In this exercise you’ll create a pipe network from an existing polyline which you can faintly see right here it’s in blue and it’s right within our road right away
now in this method of creating a pipe Network you’ll use standard AutoCAD drawing commands to create a polyline and then automatically create a pipe endpoint and structure at each polyline vertex you can create a pipe network from a variety of entities including 2D and 3D polylines AutoCAD lines and arcs and feature lines in this exercise you’ll use an existing 2D polyline so let’s go ahead and start creating a pipe network from a 2d polyline go ahead and open up your pipenetworks.1a drawing in your tutorials folder this drawing contains an existing ground and Corridor surface you’ll also find alignments for first and second Street which represent intersecting Road center lines the drawing also contains parcels
which you can see right here lastly if we zoom in here you’ll see this blue polyline right here within the road right away that’s colored in blue this polyline represents the proposed pipe Network layout in the following steps you’ll create an AutoCAD civil 3D pipe network from this polyline now in your home tab go ahead and go into your create design panel and then select the pipe network drop down next select create pipe network from object our command line is now asking us to select an object let’s zoom in to the left side of this blue polyline and click near the center of the road
the end that you click specifies the beginning of the pipe Network the network will flow away from this end as you can see right here by this Arrow this Arrow also represents the flow Direction go ahead and press enter to accept the flow Direction
in the create pipe network from object dialog box go ahead and specify the following parameters we’ll give it a network name of storm sewer oops sewer
for the parts list we’re going to leave it on storm sewer we also have some other options but we’re going to leave it on storm sewer for right now but the pipe that we’re going to create we’re going to change that and we’re going to switch it to the 450. then we’re going to select a structure that we’re going to create and we’re going to look through our list here and select the 1500 diameter the surface name select first tree for alignment name we’ll select first stream and we’re going to erase our polyline once we’ve created our Network now we can go ahead and press ok the pipe network is displayed on the plan and a structure was created at each polyline vertex and a pipe was created in between each of these structures
let’s view the pipe Network in the profile select a pipe and a structure
then right click and select similar
we’ve selected all of our pipe Network parts and then if we scroll over to the right hand side
we can right click again and select draw Parts in profile view
the command line is asking us to select a profile view we’ll go ahead and select this one now you can see that the pipes and structures are displayed in the profile view now this is the profile view for First Street notice that as you specified the direction of the flow begins at the end station of the profile and proceeds toward the beginning station go ahead and Escape out of your command now we’re going to grip edit a network part select a pipe on the far side of the profile view you’ll notice there are grips that show up click the grip and drag up to increase the invert elevation click to place the grip now you can use grips to graphically change the position of pipes and structures in both plan and profile now let’s edit some of the network parameters since we have our Network selected go ahead and right click and select edit Network
now we have the network layout tools toolbar go ahead and go over to this button and click the drop down next to this structure these tools enable you to add pipes or structures to the network using the parameters that you set in this toolbar another button we can take a look at within this toolbar is the pipe Network Vistas button we’ll click to move our toolbar out of the way on the Panorama window you can use the pipes and structure tabs to edit pipes parametrically let’s go back into our pipes tab and then I want to focus our attention on pipe number one we’re going to change the start invert by clicking within the cell and we’re going to change it to 40. so now as a check let’s go ahead down into our Network layout tools toolbar and turn off our pipe Network Vistas
let’s shut down our toolbar and then we’ll navigate over to our pipe
and if we go under properties you’ll see that the start invert elevation has in fact changed so that’s how you go about creating a pipe network from a polyline in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll create a pipe network using the Autodesk civil 3D pipe Network layout tools the pipe network is associated with a surface and alignment and uses Parts taken from a standard parts list this exercise continues from creating a pipe network from a polyline so let’s specify some pipe Network creation parameters go ahead and open up your pipe networks Dash 1B drawing in your tutorials folder now this drawing contains an existing ground surface as you can see right here and alignment
which you can see right here with Road One also we have some existing ground and layout profiles it also contains a surface that’s been exported from a corridor that uses the alignment as its Baseline in the drawing go ahead and zoom into the area between the 7 and 11 station in the tool space under the prospector tab go ahead and navigate to pipe Networks
and then under Networks go ahead and select create pipe Network by layout now alternatively you can also go to your home tab and then to your create design panel and then under pipe Network click the drop down menu and select pipe Network creation tools now we have our create pipe Network dialog box we’ll go ahead and leave the network name alone for right now and we’ll also keep the network parts list to standard but with the surface name we’re going to change that and we’re going to change it to Road one surf
for the alignment we’re going to select Road One
and we’re going to leave everything else at its default go ahead and click ok
now we have our Network layout tools toolbar and you’ll see off to the side we have a new pipe Network
now you’ll see within this pipe Network Collection that is currently empty you’ll add parts to the network in the following steps so let’s begin drawing continuous pipes and structures
in the network layout tools toolbar go ahead and select a structure
expand The Eccentric cylindrical structure and select 48. in the pipes list we’re going to select the 18 inch concrete pipe now within this drop down ensure that pipes and structures is selected
then ensure that the upslope downslope option is set to downslope currently it’s set to downslope right now within our command line civil 3D is asking us to specify the structure insertion point so on the command line enter in apostrophe so to activate the station offset civil transparent command press enter now it’s asking us to select an alignment go ahead and select one of the station labels for Road One on the command line enter 700 as the station let’s zoom out a little bit here
now in the command line let’s specify an offset let’s type in negative 15. now if we go ahead and zoom in a little bit here
now you can see a catch Basin is placed at the specified point the offset is designed to position the catch Basin so that the outside edge is flush with the outside edge of the road shoulder with the station offset command still active create another structure by entering in 800 for the station and negative 15 for the offset
a second catch Basin is created the two structures are connected by a pipe of the types specified in the pipe list the pipes follow a downhill slope based on the corridor’s surface terrain and the design rules for the type and size of pipe later you’ll view the vertical placement of the pipes you created in a profile view to change the direction of the vertical pipe Network layout toggle the upslope down slope button like this with the station offset command still active create additional structures with an offset of negative 15 at stations 950 11 and 1250. now as you place the catch basins the connecting pipes are created with slope values specified by the design rules and the upslope downslope setting press enter to end the station offset command now let’s draw a curved pipe with a structure zoom into the area
between the 1250 and 1300 station go ahead and click pipes and structures
we’re going to continue from our last structure and you’ll see a little icon that pops up go ahead and click that structure we’re now connected to it now with the drawing command still active on the command line enter c to begin creating a curved pipe and now to specify a second point of a curve let’s click right in this region here
now we’ll specify the endpoint with a structure go ahead and type in apostrophe so for station offset select our alignment and then we’re going to specify the station of 1300. with an offset of negative 15.
so that’s how you go about creating a pipe Network by layout in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll add to your pipe Network by creating pipes and structures that connect to existing structures whenever you’re laying out a pipe Network you have the option of connecting to existing pipe Network parts Autodesk civil 3D gives you visual cues when the pipe or structure you’re creating will either connect to an existing object or break a pipe to create a junction in the previous exercise you use the draw pipes and structures tool to place structures and pipes simultaneously in this exercise you’ll add catch basins using the draw structures only tool and then connect the catch basins to network using the draw pipes only tool this exercise continues from creating a pipe Network by layout note that this exercise uses the pipe networks Dash B drawing with the modifications you made in the previous exercise or you can open the pipe networks Dash C drawing in your tutorials folder so let’s go about adding structures to the pipe Network in the drawing go ahead and select a pipe Network part I’m going to select this pipe right here and then right click and select edit Network
now we have our Network layout tools toolbar let’s take a look at our structures make sure you have the eccentric cylindrical structure expanded and the 48 selected toggle the upslope down slope button and make sure we’re on downslope which we are currently in now click structures only
in the command line enter in apostrophe so for station offset
then click one of the labels for our alignment
now create a structure by entering 960.
and then 15 as the offset [Music] you’ll see that we now have a structure here
we’re going to repeat the last step and add some additional structures each of these structures will be offset 15 feet from stations 11 10. 1260 and 1310 now press enter twice to exit the station offset and add structure commands
now let’s add some pipes to the pipe Network in our pipes list make sure we’re on the right one by selecting the 18 inch concrete and then in the toolbar select pipes only
now place your cursor at the structure that’s currently at the 960 station a connection marker that indicates that the pipe can be attached to the structure is displayed with the connection marker displayed click the structure to connect the new pipe to it
now place your cursor over the structure at 9 50. with the connection marker displayed click the structure to connect the new pipe to it
on the command line type in s to start new point
now repeat the last few steps to add pipes between the structures that are offset 15 feet from stations 1110 1260 and 1310 to the main Network so we’re going to go ahead and do that
s for start new point
select our structure
connect to the main line
and there you have it so that’s how you go about adding parts to a pipe Network in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll add a new part to the parts list by selecting a part family and size from the pipe Network part catalog this exercise demonstrates how to access your parts list from the network layout tools toolbar you can also create View and edit Parts lists using the tool space settings tab so let’s go about adding a part family to the pipe Network parts list go ahead and open up your pipenetworks-2 drawing which is located in your tutorials folder in the drawing window go ahead and zoom in and select one of the pipe Network parts
you’ll see we get our pipe networks Network tab go ahead and go into the modify panel then select edit pipe Network on the pipe Network layout tools toolbar select this button right here for parts list we get our select parts list dialog box we’re going to select this down arrow and we’re going to select edit current selection
we get our Network parts list dialog box click on the structures tab now what we’re going to do is we’re going to right click on the parts list structure name now we’re going to add part family we get our part catalog dialog box under Inlet Outlets check off concrete rectangular head wall
now click ok the new part family is added to the tree View which you can see right here you’ll notice that if we click the Plus for any one of our structures we have a part that has a specific size however we don’t have one for our part family that we just added go ahead and select the name right click and select add part size
in the part size Creator dialog box we’ll expand this a little bit more we’ll go into head wall base width and we’ll scroll all the way to the right and we’re going to check this box to add all sizes
then click ok
scroll down and we expand this we’ll see all of our sizes
on the pipes tab go ahead and select that we’ll open up our tree I’ll right click the concrete pipe
then add part size
we’re going to change the inner pipe diameter we do this by clicking within the value cell
and we’ll select 24 inches then click ok
you’ll see the 24 inches has been added to our list
and go ahead and click ok and then click OK one last time so that’s how you go about adding parts to the parts list in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll change the surface and Alignment that are referenced by the pipe Network parts you’ll also examine the design rules four apart civil 3D uses the referenced surface alignment and rules to determine the size and placement of pipe Network parts for example if you create a manhole structure the top rim of the structure is typically automatically placed at the elevation of the referenced surface if the design rules for the manhole specify an adjustment value for rim of the structure the rim is placed at the surface elevation plus or minus the adjustment value this exercise continues from adding parts to the parts list so let’s go about changing the referenced surface this exercise uses the pipe networks Dash 2 drawing with the modifications you made in the previous exercise or you can open up the pipe networks 2B drawing from the tutorials folder if the network layout tools toolbar isn’t already open go ahead and zoom in and select the pipe Network and go up and select edit pipe Network
on the network layout tools toolbar select this button right here to select a surface
within the select surface dialog box we’re going to click this drop down and select EG for existing grade
then click ok
now we’re going to change the referenced alignment go back into your toolbar and select this button to select the alignment
we get our select alignment dialog box click this drop down and select X C Storm
then click ok now we’re going to change the rule set go into your toolbar and select this button right here for parts list
now within the select parts list dialog box select this drop down and select edit current selection
go ahead and go into your structures tab now go ahead and expand The Eccentric cylindrical structure
go ahead and select the structure and in the rules cell click this button right here
now within the structure rule set click this button and select edit current selection
now we’re in the structure rule set dialog box we’ll go ahead and maximize some of these parameters
now the selected design rules specify that the structure has a maximum drop value of three feet
and a maximum pipe diameter of four feet
you can now modify these values or click add rule to add another rule we’ll go ahead and cancel out of this twice
go ahead and select the pipes tab
and expand this we’ll expand our concrete pipe and select the 24 inch pipe that we created just recently we’re going to select the rules for this and we’re going to go ahead and click this drop down arrow and edit current selection
now again we get our pipe rule set go ahead and expand all of our parameters now you’ll see that the selected design rules allow pipes of a maximum of 200 feet in length which is typical of a pipe layout that travels through open Terrain click OK four times
so that’s how you go about changing the surface alignment and rules configuration in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll add a branch to the existing pipe Network layout and use the part status to review and edit the layout in addition to indicator icons that indicate where Parts can be connected you’ll see icons when the pipe or structure you’re adding to the network will break an existing pipe the pipes created by the brake are automatically connected to the new structure or pipe this exercise continues from changing the surface alignment and rules configuration so let’s start by adding a head wall structure to the pipe Network now note that this exercise uses the pipe networks Dash 2B drawing with the modifications you made in the previous exercise
if the network layout tools toolbar isn’t already open go ahead and select the pipe Network by selecting one of the parts right click and select edit Network
then we get our toolbar after that let’s make sure that we’re on the correct Surface by clicking this button we’re on EG which is correct then make sure that we’re on a proper alignment select the alignment we want to be on this X C Storm click ok after that let’s select our structure from the list
go down to the concrete rectangular head wall collection maximizes collection and select 44 inch
after that we’re going to zoom out
until we can see our storm alignment which is this red line right here
and after that we’re going to select this button right here and we’re going to select structures only that’s all we’re putting in so go ahead and zoom into Station 400 within our storm alignment which is right here I want to type in the intersection snap and I’m going to select this intersection of our station
then I’m going to press enter to exit the command now I’m going to connect the head wall structure to the pipe Network
I’m going to select this button again but instead I’m going to select pipes only
I’m going to select within our pipe list the 24 inch concrete pipe next select this button right here to toggle to upslope hover over our newly placed structure and you see a little icon up in the upper right hand corner that’s what’s known as a connection marker go ahead and click to connect the pipe as you can see it actually shows the width of the pipe I’m going to zoom out
go ahead and pan to the structure
that’s about 15 foot off from our road alignment and that’s at station 800 which is this right here and you can see and you can see that we get our connection marker go ahead and click then press enter to end the command after that we need to rotate the head wall structure so go ahead and pan back over to our structure as you can see it’s not in the proper rotation go ahead and select the structure and we get our markers use the circular grip to rotate the marker so it’s perpendicular to the pipe then press escape to deselect the head wall now we’re going to validate the design rules have been met go ahead and go into your tool space in the prospector tab go ahead and go into your pipe Networks expand this and expand the networks and we’re going to expand this network once more until we get our pipes go ahead and click the pipes
go ahead and expand this a little bit more so we can see everything down here at the bottom under name
you can see that pipe 10 has a description listed on it concrete pipe but there’s a circular icon over the status this means the design rules have not been met the pipe exceeds the maximum length and maximum cover found in the rules in the next few steps you’ll correct the length by adding a structure to the middle of the pipe span go ahead and click the row for pipe 10. then right click and select Zoom 2.
you’ll see how it shows the entire pipe within the view and the full extents of the pipe are displayed in the drawing window let’s insert a structure in the middle of the pipe let’s go ahead and bring up our toolbar again select our pipe right click and select edit Network in the structures list we’re going to look for an eccentric cylindrical structure maximize this group and select the structure right here
we’re going to click this button once again to insert structures only in the drawing window go to Station 200 of our alignment which is right here that’s roughly about Midway now note that you must turn off osnap to complete the following steps place your cursor that is somewhat in the location over the pipe of Station 200 and you’ll see a brake pipe marker that’s displayed to indicate that the pipe will be severed by placing the structure there with this marker displayed go ahead and click to place the manhole at that location and create two pipes from that one then press enter to end the command
and there you have it so that’s how you go about adding a branch to a pipe Network in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll draw the pipe Network Parts in a profile view this exercise uses the pipe Network and Branch you created in the changing pipe Network properties tutorial so let’s go about drawing the pipe Network Parts in profile view go ahead and open up your pipe networks Dash 3 drawing which is located in your tutorials folder now in the drawing window go ahead and zoom in to your pipe Network
click a pipe to select it then right click and select draw Parts in profile view
then go ahead and zoom out to your profile view and select your profile view grid
and there you have our first pipe let’s go ahead and do that again
we’ll select this portion of pipe then we’ll right click again draw Parts in profile view zoom out
and then select our profile view
you can select any of these pipes right here but I’m just going to go ahead and press escape to deselect the pipe now we’ll go ahead and zoom out a little bit and then select our profile view right click and select profile view properties you’ll see within the profile view properties dialog box we get an extra tab for our pipe Networks this tab only appears if we have drawn a portion of our pipe Network within the profile view so we have our full Network within this tab
and we also have a draw column and right now we have pipes two and three currently drawn within our profile view
but what I’m going to do is I’m going to go ahead and select all of these parts to be drawn within the profile view
so I’m going to check all of these boxes
and then I’m going to press apply and then click ok and you’ll see how our grid adjusts for the height of each of our structures
however in this profile view I only want to show the pipes along our roadway I don’t want to show any of this pipe kind of going off in a different direction
and these pipes are pipe 10 1
and pipe 10. we can take a look at our structure numbers here as well this is structure 12. and we’ve got our head wall which is structure 11. I want to remove those from the profile view so what I’m going to do is I’m going to select the profile view right click go back into my properties
now within pipe networks I’m going to deselect these structures within the draw column so that they won’t be drawn in my profile view so I’m going to go to pipe 10 I’m going to check that box so it won’t be drawn
then 10 1
structure 11. and structure 12. won’t be drawn within my profile view and click apply then click ok and you see how the profile adjusts accordingly so that’s how you go about drawing pipe Network Parts in a profile view in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll add labels to the pipe Network Parts drawn in both plan and profile views this exercise continues from drawing pipe Network Parts in a profile view so let’s go ahead and add labels to the pipe Network Parts in a profile now note that this exercise uses the pipe networks Dash 3 drawing with the modifications you made in the previous exercise let’s go ahead and zoom in to our pipes within our profile view go ahead and go up to The annotation tab click on ADD labels
we get our add labels dialog box
now we’re going to specify a feature first we’re going to choose pipe Network then for the label type we’re going to select
Single part profile after that everything else is going to be put on the standard style so go ahead and select add and select the pipe structure one which is in between stations 700 and 800. and you’ll see after clicking on this pipe we get our label the pipe label is labeled with the description of the pipe far to exit out of this command and select the pipe you can see the description is an 18 inch concrete pipe
but in the following steps you’ll create a label style that displays the elevation of the start invert of pipe so let’s go about creating a pipe label Style
I’m going to zoom out a little bit here we’ll bring back our add labels dialog box and then under our pipe label style list we’ll click this drop down then select copy current selection so we’re making a copy of standard but we’re going to be renaming it start invert elevation
and this is all within the information tab next go into your layout tab and then underneath text we have our contents click on this box and you’ll see a little button up here with three dots click that button and then we get our text component editor dialog box currently it displays our description but we want to select this and delete that so hit the delete or backspace button and under properties this drop down we’re going to go to
start invert elevation then we want to change the Precision to two decimal places but don’t stop there because we need to press this Arrow in order to add that to our style so that’s a very key step then click ok then click OK once more and now we have our new pipe style start invert elevation go ahead and select add and then go to pipe number two which is right here and click that then we get our elevation press escape to exit out of the command now we’re going to go ahead and move this label around if we select it we get a diamond grip and a square grip we can go ahead and select a new location by clicking the diamond and moving it across the pipe like so or we can go the opposite way like so but since this is the start invert elevation I want to make sure that I’m on the right side if I select the pipe right click and go into pipe properties I can get a better sense of my invert elevations by going to pipe properties scrolling down and you’ll see that 641 is our start invert elevation and the end invert elevation is 642.96 so the start invert elevation is on the lower side of the pipe so go ahead and I’m going to actually cancel this so our label is on the correct side if you want this label to be off the pipe go ahead and select it we get our grips select the square and then we can just click and drag to anywhere that we want it to go we can click it and have it go over here or over here maybe we want to slide this over a little bit more and then press escape to exit out of our grips next you’ll be adding a span label to a series of two pipes in plan View go ahead and pan and zoom to our plan View until you get to this pipe right here right along our storm alignment which is in red right here but these two pipes I want to label with the spanning pipe label go ahead and go into your add labels dialog box and select the label type we’re going to change that to spanning pipes plan
we’re going to change the label Style to 2D total span then go ahead and click add go ahead and select both pipes
then press enter then our command line is asking us to specify the label location on the pipe I’m going to put it right here
and you can see that we now have a total span of 391.16 feet now you can tell what this is measuring or which pipes these are measuring by selecting the label and both pipes get selected which makes things very very convenient go ahead and Escape out of the command to deselect now we’re going to be adding labels to a multiple pipe Network Parts in plan View go ahead and zoom out a little bit here for the label type within our add labels dialog box we’re going to select entire network plan for the entire plan View we’re going to leave the pipe label Style on standard but we’re going to change the structure label Style so click our style and then select structure name then click add our command line is asking us to select part contained in the network to be labeled so if we want we can just go ahead and select any one of these parts you can see how all the labels show up
after you do that then you can select any of these labels and select the grip and do some cleanup to move all of these labels out of the way so they’re a little bit easier to read
and that’s it and that’s how you go about adding labels to pipe Network Parts in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll edit the pipe Network Parts drawn in a profile view using the editing grips and directly editing the part properties this exercise continues from adding labels to pipe Network parts so let’s go ahead and go about grip editing pipe Network parts and profile view this exercise uses the pipe networks-3 drawing with the modifications you made in the previous exercise or you can open the pipe networks Dash 3B drawing from the Drawing Tutorials folder right now you’ll see that I’m in the pipe networks 3B drawing and in the profile view I’m going to zoom in to pipe number four
if I right click and select pipe properties I can just double check that this is pipe4 and it is so I’m going to click ok and it’s right in between stations roughly about 1100 to 1200.
currently I’ve selected the pipe part within the profile view and you’ll see all the grip edits go ahead and select the square grip and then you can begin dragging it up or down what I’m going to do is I’m going to zoom out a little bit I can see that I have a grid line at 650 right about here and I’d like to put that grip roughly around that’s 650. right about there now I’m going to select the Triangular grip at the downslope and I’m going to click and drag so it’s roughly connected to this pipe
so that it aligns with the end invert elevation of pipe three now I’m going to parametrically edit pipe Network Parts in profile view with pipe4 still selected I’m going to right click select pipe properties and then I’m going to go into part properties
scroll down until you get to the start invert elevation
click within this box and press Ctrl C to copy the value then click ok
to deselect pipe4 then select pipe 3.
then right click and select type properties then under the part properties tab scroll down until you get to the end invert elevation select this area within the value and then press Ctrl V to paste that value from pipe4 then click ok
now pipes 3 and pipe4 now connect to structure 4 at the same invert elevation we can check this by selecting the structure right clicking and going to structure properties
and then we can click on connections
you can see
all the pipe connections
that are listed within the structure and you can see pipe three and pipe four have the same invert elevation then click ok
press escape to deselect the pipe now note that you can also use o snaps to quickly match pipe start and end elevations let’s go ahead and do that I’m going to go ahead and select pipe three and then I’m going to select type 2.
then I’m going to select this diamond for this invert right here I’m going to drag that until it lands right on the triangle for pipe two
then deselect the pipes by pressing escape
we’ll take a look at type 2
for the end invert elevation we have 642.962
click ok we’ll select pipe three apply properties
scroll down
and you’ll see that the start elevation is also 642.962
so it matches click OK and you can also see within the structure select it right click structure properties
we have pipes two and three and they match invert elevations of 642.962
go ahead and click ok so that’s how you go about editing pipe Network Parts in a profile view in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll change the style used by pipe Network Parts in a profile view using override settings found in the profile view properties this exercise continues from editing pipe Network Parts in a profile view so let’s go about overriding the style of an object in a profile view this exercise uses the pipe networks Dash 3B drawing with the modifications you made in the previous exercise
in the drawing go ahead and zoom into your profile view
click the profile view to select it then right click and select profile view properties we then get our profile view properties dialog box go ahead and select this tab for pipe Networks next locate the pipe sixth row and then scroll all the way to the right until you get to the style override column for pipe six go ahead and check this box within this cell and then we get our pickpipe style dialog box go ahead and select this drop down and we’re going to select dotted
then click ok I’m going to repeat those steps for pipes 7 8 and 9. I can do that easily by selecting seven holding down shift then selecting nine clicking on this box and then selecting the dotted style then click ok now the pipes that cross the road are now displayed using dotted lines making it easier to view and edit the main pipe segment you may have to enter regen on the command line to see the style change so let’s go ahead and click apply then click ok
if we zoom in and then hover over our pipes like so
it shows that this is pipe 9 within the name and this is pipe eight as you can see in the tool tip however the line type doesn’t appear to be affected by our style change it currently doesn’t look dotted we can try and do a Regen by typing in re gin then click enter and now we can see a little bit of a style change to the dotted style which is what we’re looking for now note that if these pipes were longer we would see the style change to dotted if these pipes were longer horizontally so now what we’re going to do is we’re going to change the structure style display in profile we’ll pan and zoom until we find the structure at Station 8 which is this big one right here
but notice that if we zoom in we have no indication
of the pipe that’s coming into our Network at this location which is this pipe right here currently it’s coming in perpendicular to our structure but we would like to show that pipe ellipse within the structure so let’s go ahead and go over to our profile view again I’m going to deselect this select this again then I’m going to right click and select edit structure Style
we get our structure style dialog box go ahead and select display next we have a very important step which is to choose the view direction we don’t want plan View we want to select profile view and if we open up our components we have all these different component types now we want to make our structure pipe outlines visible by clicking this light bulb like so and I’d like to change its color to red and click ok after that go ahead and select ok and you can see down all the way here at the bottom we now have our ellipse of our pipe coming in perpendicular to our structure so that’s how you go about overriding the style of a pipe Network part in a profile view in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll view the pipe Network Parts in a section View this exercise continues from overriding the style of a pipe Network part in a profile view so let’s go about creating a sample line this exercise uses the pipe networks 3B drawing with the modifications you made in the previous exercise or you can open the pipe networks Dash 3C drawing from your drawing tutorials folder in the drawing go ahead and zoom around into station 1260.
which is roughly about in this region right here go ahead and click on your Home tab and then within your profile and section views panel select sample lines
right now our command line is prompting us to select an alignment we’ll go ahead and select enter to pick from a list go ahead and choose the road one alignment then click ok now we get our create sample line group dialog box we’ll go ahead and select ok now on the command line we’re going to type in our station 1260.
then press enter for the left swath width enter 20
and for the right 20 once more then hit enter
we’ll go ahead and press enter once more to end the sample line creation command
now if you look we actually have our sample line right here
you can see it right here in our properties sample line sample Line Station 1260. now we’ll go ahead and create a section View I’m going to zoom out a little bit here
deselect my sample line by pressing escape go to your home tab then over to your profile and section views panel then select this drop down for Section views
and select create section View now you’ll see that we have a create section view wizard select the link right here for Section display options now we’re going to change some labels within our rode one surface right here under label set select this
select the drop down and select no labels then click ok actually I’m going to change the label set for all of them to No Labels
after that select this button right here create section View
and I’m going to zoom out a bit here it’s prompting us to identify a section view origin I’m just going to click out here in space and when I zoom in we have our section View at station 1260. now note that if a warning event is displayed go ahead and close the Event Viewer window now as you can see we have our pipe Networks within our section View as well as our assembly
so that’s how you go about viewing pipe Network Parts in a section view in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll create a table that displays information about the structures in a pipe Network then you’ll create a table style to display other information the procedures for creating pipe and structure tables are very similar while the exercise focuses on structure tables you can use the same procedure to create pipe tables this exercise continues from viewing pipe Network Parts in a section View this exercise uses the pipe networks Dash 3C drawing with the modifications you made in the previous exercise so let’s go ahead and go into the annotate tab and then over to the labels and tables panel
select add tables
and go to your pipe Network and select add structure table
we get our structure table creation dialog box we’re going to keep this on by Network then we’re going to click ok
you can see that we have our table within our crosshairs but we need to put it in a particular location we’ll select right about here if we zoom in we can see the results of our table next you’ll change the contents of the table by creating a table Style select the table
then right click
and select table properties
we get our table properties dialog box here I’m going to move this off to the side go ahead and select this down arrow right here
and we’re going to copy our current selection in the table style dialog box under information go ahead and highlight the name we’re going to change this to structure stations and details
after that select our data properties tab right there
and specify the following parameters go ahead and select sort data for sorting column we’re going to leave this at 1. and the order we’re going to leave it on ascending these settings ensure that the table rows are sorted in ascending order by the first column now in the structure area go ahead and select this plus icon
if we scroll all the way to the right you’ll see that we have a brand new column double-click the new heading within our column and we get our text component editor in the preview pane
go ahead and type in station
then click ok after that go ahead and double click on this particular cell for our text contents row go ahead and go down to your text and we’re going to be viewing our contents we’re going to change this by clicking on this button right here with the three dots
go ahead and highlight this and we’re going to change this to station
space equals sign now under the properties list go ahead and select
structure station
in the Precision value we’re going to change this to one then click within our preview Pane and we’re going to add this by clicking this Arrow then click OK twice
now in the table style dialog box go ahead and click the heading for station and we’re going to drag this over the structure details column switching the positions then click OK twice
our table now shows our station for each particular structure and in ascending order so that’s how you go about creating pipe and structure tables in civil 3D