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Hello there ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the LIVE edition of civil 3D TV I am uh your instructor for tonight your humble instructor for tonight I am by no means an expert at civil 3D but uh I do do this as a career I am a designer full-time so um a lot of these streams are just my way of being able to kind of refresh myself in some of the aspects of civil 3D that I don’t use uh very often usually whenever you have a profession that uses civil 3D sometimes you don’t get to use certain tools well I like to kind of broaden my horizons a little bit as far as being able to learn different pieces of the program so that I can kind of stay sharp with the program so we’re going to be diving into editing gradings for beginners tonight and um I hope that my pace is slow enough for beginners so much so that they’re able to kind of take in what uh what I’m showing during the live stream but if you have any other um questions if you have any any kind of if you’re interested in learning a little bit more about civil 3D maybe maybe you’re interested in learning something other than gradings well I would highly encourage you to go to this website right here where I’ve got free sessions going on all the time um and you can also sign up for free tutorial updates a lot of the updated software tutorials that I have especially like right now for civil 3D 2023 to 2024 not a huge difference with the different versions but the new stuff I’ll kick out to you you know every single month but um but after a while those videos will become members only videos so I would encourage you to take a look at those videos while you can if you’re looking at you know get some get some free training under your belt but uh but if you actually want some course related work there is a membership option where you can start a free trial or you can become a member through YouTube so those are the options but tonight we’re doing a one hour live stream I’m looking to meet a one-hour live stream looking to get to that point and we’re going to be diving into editing gradings I know that with the last stream towards the end I was kind of like a little iffy with uh some of the some of the uh notes I was looking over just trying to remind myself okay how do I do this how do I do that well I I was looking at it um the other night and hopefully this stream will help you a little bit more with editing gradings so we’ll get into editing gradings maybe we’ll get into grading a complex building footprint this is more of a building pad right here this rectangular pad so um so yeah that’s where we’re at with it and we will continue probably at about the the halfway point I’ll take like maybe like a five minute break and then I’ll return and then uh and then we’ll keep on we’ll keep on cruising okay right now

turn some of my browser stuff on real quick

all right just so I can gain my bearings here editing greetings in this exercise you’ll edit the elevation of a graded Baseline which is this white line right here this white line it’s basically a feature line uh the grading adjusts to reflect the grading change so we’ll go ahead and open up the grading-4 drawing which is located in your tutorials folder that’s already installed with your current installation of civil 3D so that’s where you can find it should be like a help folder within your installation files so this drawing contains a rectangular building PAD as I said before uh

and there’s a the surface or excuse me this grading this grading as you can see in the properties is a grading that’s on a three-on-one slope this is built upon an existing grade surface up to a three-on-one slope and you can see right here within the grading criteria okay the red represents the cut and the green represents the fill and we’ll get into uh balancing with volumes as well we’ll get into that dashboard we’ve got these grading volume tools I’ll show you that a little bit a little bit later on tonight but let me just do some housekeeping real quick

and so we have our building pad what we’re going to do first is we’re going to go into [Music] uh let me see modify we’ll go into our elevation editor then our command line is asking us to select an object well we’re going to select that white feature line up at the top and then we get our grading elevation editor we have all of our elevations listed here as I go through I have the station zero which is this triangle and I’ll go through the next and the next and you can see how it’s going in kind of like a clockwise fashion

okay so what we’re going to do first is we’re going to go to Row three and we’re going to shift-click to row four

then we’re going to change this elevation you can see that we have two different elevations 755 and 765. we’re going to change this to 7 30.

make sure it’s highlighted 7 30. there we go boom and you can see how that’s reflected within our cut and you can see that the grade ahead and grade back these percentages things shifted around okay

next thing what we’re going to do is we’re going to flatten some areas if we go around here

and I take this quick elevation edit I like to use this to kind of go around and check my grades right now I’ve got about a negative four four and a half percent or so as I come around there’s our 730 come around here we have a zero elevation and then as I come around on the other side we’ve got negative 16 percent okay there’s a huge difference there so if I want to make this just a consistent slope I’ll select that fourth row shift click all the way to the beginning I want to make all of this just a constant grade slope so I’ll use this button flattened greater elevations and I can choose if I want it to be a constant elevation or I can choose for it to be a constant grade I’m going to choose for it to be a constant grade and you’ll see what it ends up happening I’ll click ok and you can see how things kind of kind of shifted a little bit with our our cut but you can see how all of this stuff changed to be a consistent grade

what if I wanted to do that on the other side what would happen if I if I did this see how we have just some slight differences in our slope on the other side what if I did this what if I shift-clicked all of this and I flattened this constant grade what would this look like

huh okay

this is roughly about the same all the way around

okay I’m going to go ahead and undo this undo okay so now we’re back now if I want to show only the areas where there’s grade changes where there’s a grade shift what I can do is I can click this button show grade breaks only that’s what I meant you guys know what I meant show grade breaks only

and you can see how now we only have four corners here so there’s only four grade breaks within this feature line of this grading

for the first row I’m going to change this right now it’s at negative 2.69 percent I’m going to change that to

negative 3.

and if I click this button again

you can see how that changed essentially all of this information all of this stuff changed so these are just the the grade breaks these are where the elevation is shifting where the elevation is changing

okay so that’s that let’s move on to the next exercise

okay we need to bring up grading fi the grading five drawing or we can use grading four we can do that

we’re going to use the grading for drawing what the changes that we made

and next I’m going to close this out we’re going to be balancing cut and fill volumes balancing cut and fill volumes within this particular exercise in this exercise you’ll adjust the elevation of a building pad to balance the cut and fill volumes and there’s a kind of a cool little tool to be able to do that for those that don’t know a whole lot about civil 3D a lot of the experience people will know about this but um but we’ll go into the analyze tab analyze

then we have our volumes and materials panel then select grading volume tools

we get our grading volume tools toolbar and you can see that our grading is selected for our pad and currently we have this as a cut and this as a fill and this is the net cut essentially I’m going to expand this out just a little bit can I do that not won’t let me do that okay

all righty

okay what we’re going to do is we’re going to raise our pad up by one foot if we want to raise our pad up by one foot we just gotta a design change from our client that they’re telling us okay go ahead and add a foot to the elevation I’m sure a lot of clients won’t necessarily want to have more fill added to a building Pad but this is just hypothetical hypothetical guys okay we got a we got a note that said that okay we want to go higher one foot higher so we’ve got one foot in this box we’re going to click and raise the grading group and you can see how that changed our cut and our fill and our net cut value okay what if we wanted to go I don’t know 10 feet let’s go let’s go crazy we’re going crazy guys select this button again

and then you can see the cut and fill and the net on that one but what’s really cool about civil 3D this is the the cool thing that beginners might not know about is there’s actually this button right here to automatically raise and lower to balance the volumes because ultimately you’re look you’re looking to save costs on Cut and fill right so you need to balance these volumes if you select this

the required volume we want to keep that as close to zero as possible okay

so it’ll chunk it now we’re done look how close it got we’ve got our cut our fill and look at that net it’s about eight cubic yards eight cubic yards of cut so civil 3D is able to do a lot of the cut and fill volume balancing for you so um if you don’t know about this uh this tool it’s very very handy I think with residential use that quite a bit you use that a lot with uh with really any kind of engineering or construction plans but um but as a designer you get that requested quite a bit just so that you know if you don’t know that already to do cut we need you to do a cut and fill on this lot over here we need you to do a cut and fill on you know this you know this section of residential you know lots you know um

so yep we got that out of the way that’s balancing cut and fill volumes next we’re going to be getting into editing the grading criteria we’re just cruising through tonight we might end early

all right let me see what we got going on here we need to get into grading three a we need to get out of this drawing grading 3A gotta pull that up we’ll go to

grading 3A

I don’t know if you guys caught that but uh that was the path to my installation folder for civil 3D so that’s the place where you can get your exercise files

I’m going to do a save as of this I think this is already on my desktop but

okay if you remember this

we’re creating our gradings with this for our ditch if you remember the ditch exercise

okay editing the grading criteria in this exercise you will edit a grading criteria and an Associated grading adjust to reflect the great the criteria change you’ll edit grading criteria attributes values in two ways number one in the elevation editor dialog box which that’s what we’ve been dealing with right here

I hate when it does this I gotta send this to back

try it again no

it’s a tin surface okay display order send it back

there it is okay elevation editor now we got our feature line I don’t know if you saw that that might be a little bit confusing to people let me let me go back I’m going to undo this

okay we’re in grading 3A okay if I zoom in and I want to select the feature line that this grading object is is building itself off of okay and this white line is that feature line well is it if I select it what do I get I get a grading don’t want a grading I want the feature line I’ll right click display order send it back okay now let’s select the white line again no I’m getting the tin surface on this one don’t want that right click go into display order send it back once again now will I get the feature line select the white line ah we got our feature line Yay

we did it you see you see how that can be kind of confusing to folks if if you need to change the elevation of your feature line and you’ve got all of your gradings and all that stuff is all that line work is essentially stacked on top of that feature line then when you go to select it later on to try and edit that then it becomes kind of like oh crap you know like where where’s my feature line am I doing this right you’re doing it right you just have to select all the junk on top of that feature line and just send all that stuff to back so that’s what I that’s what I did right there

okay we went over the elevation editor grading criteria attribute values in two ways we’re going to be editing that in two ways with the elevation editor and secondly directly in the grading criteria settings use this method to apply attribute changes to Future grading created with criteria if the attribute value is locked attribute changes will also be applied to the grading what’s currently

attribute changes will also be applied to grading that currently uses the criteria makes sense right doesn’t that make a whole lot of sense all right we’re going to get we’re going to go through it

okay edit the grading criteria we’re in grading 3A we’ll go to the modify tab modify we’re already there design panel right here then grading select that

then we can also choose our grading error editor in this panel as you can see here

we’re going to click inside the objects for

we’re going to click inside the grading that projects from feature line a b which is essentially right here see how it highlights

we’re going to highlight this this green area

then we get our criteria

this is the grading editor panorama we’re going to change the distance value from 10 to 5. you see how that changed it change the width right there

now you’ll make a similar change that will affect all the grading groups using the distance at negative six percent grading criteria okay oh

okay I’m going to click this check box click this once again I’m going to regen all okay

if I go into


in the tool space in the settings tab

go into grading grading criteria sets and go into ditch criteria set

and we’ll select that distance at negative six percent


uh I see what we’re doing here

what we just did with the original grading criteria set with this particular piece is we set that for that individual piece of ditch not for the entire criteria set

so if we wanted to we can come in here and

the grading criteria dialog box click the criteria tab which is what we’re on change the distance parameter to 20 feet 20.

and then we’ll click this to lock it

which will apply it to all grading that currently uses the distance of at negative negative six percent grading criteria leave the value unlocked applies the value only to the grading criteria in the future Okay so watch what happens when I click ok hopefully this is what’s going to happen okay see how that changed

but that’s only when I went into the grading criteria sets within the settings tab within my tool space not when I went in there originally in the beginning and set it individually and plus it’s locked now it’s locked so if I come in here let me go into modify grading grading editor select this see how now I can’t edit this distance anymore used to be at five feet but since it’s locked it’s now at 20 feet if I don’t want that to happen anymore I can right click going to edit

distance and we’ll leave we’ll leave this unlocked click ok

grading criteria editor select this area and now we can edit that to whatever we want it to be

so that’s that okay we’re roughly coming up at about the Midway point of this live stream we might end up uh we might finish early tonight but we’re kind of cruising through a lot of these exercises but hopefully they help you hopefully this is at a nice Pace to where you’re able to understand and retain the things that I’m I’m showing you right now so I’m going to take a quick five and I will return momentarily


and we are back

half time is over

so we’ve edited our grading criteria next we’re going to move on to grading from a complex footprint let’s dive into that

you know open up the grading dash six drawing grading dash six drawing

see where that path is at that’s where the exercise files are at

I’m going to save this to my desktop I’ll save as dust out grading six

and you guys excuse me

you guys probably can’t see what’s going on right here I’m going to change the look of this

I think it should be in The View

The View hey what’s up there Sammy Sammy’s on fire thumbs up and on fire

he’s on fire how you doing Sam thanks for uh stopping in tonight

we gotta change some uh some view settings so people can actually see what’s going on with uh with this side it’s a display colors yeah here we go

pushing forward Sam you ought to make t-shirts man you have you have so many different sayings dude make t-shirts you know make make people wear your shirts

I’m going to switch this to Black so people can see it apply it apply okay all right

Sammy is King of the catchphrases full of catchphrases


all right so

this drawing you’ll use this uh in this tutorial it displays the building pad in two vertically arranged viewports in the right viewport we have the top down view okay this is still a feature line

Sam says yeah maybe in the future for sure it’s another another Revenue stream man um

uh where am I at here creating six six okay we’ve got two vertically arranged viewports in the right viewport the building pad is shown in plan view you’ll design the building pad in the right viewport in the left viewport which is kind of like this isometric View it’s displayed a model view you’ll use this viewport to see the status of the design as you work so we’ll create a stepped offset feature line in this portion

we’re going to type in offset Gap oops Gap type we’re going to type in one as the value

now this has I believe this has to do with Azure offsetting feature lines like let’s just say we have you know kind of like a square view of our you know we’ve got like a square feature line square shape when we offset it it could create some gaps will we offset it so I think that’s what that offset gaps type setting is all about but we’ll get into it a little bit more in the future I’m just again I’m refreshing myself with a lot of these exercises myself so that I can be able to teach this stuff in the future so these live streams again they’re for the beginners okay the experienced folk out there I know that they’re they’re screaming they want more but these tutorials these exercises are just for beginners okay all right so


okay the offset Gap variable okay yeah it goes in the potential gaps I’m going to click the Home tab

then over to the create design panel I’m going to click the feature line drop down then I’m going to go to the stepped offset

we’re going to do a stepped offset

Sam says bro you’re highly intelligent with great range of knowledge how did you first start with CAD through High School ma’am through high school they gave me an opportunity just started doing plot plans learning CAD that way I just learned the basics of cat I wasn’t getting into the Nitty Gritty with civil 3D um in the command line we’re going to put in an offset distance of 1.5

okay then we’re going to select our feature line

then we’re going to click the outside

then our command line says to specify an elevation difference or it gives us a lot of other options here

we’re going to type in G to specify a grade value and we’re going to type in negative 1 for the grade

there we go and you see what what’s happening here with the offset gaps it looks like it’s kind of rounding it a little bit and that’s what that offset type that offset Gap type is all about I believe not 100 sure 100 certain um okay so we’ll press enter to end the command you can see kind of like What’s Happening Here in our isometric View okay

okay it says right here in my notes the stepped offset feature line is displayed notice that the left viewport on the left side of the ramp the curve on the stepped offset feature line is not well formed see all this stuff it’s not very well formed because it’s an independent feature line you can use the feature line editing tools to refine the solution

okay we’re going to be adding fillets to the feature line we’re going to go up to the modify tab

an edit geometry panel

at a geometry panel right here

we’re going to go to fill it

right here this button

okay we’re going to click

where we’re going to click where are we going to click

I can remember doing this just to let you guys know I remember doing this uh years ago I was going through these exercise files probably during 2020 during during covid and I can remember certain things that got me stuck on different aspects of the program and this was one of them I believe if I select when I move my cursor or the feature line was it here and then over here no what about here there it is that’s what I wanted

so it filleted all that stuff I’m going to do it again undo thank you very much Sam for the compliment by the way I appreciate that that compliment he’s very Sam is very is a very encouraging individual he’s got a whole channel to where he he looks to inspire those um that are just you know if you feel stuck in life Sam is one that that’ll get you you know to to get up and going you know no he’s all about no naps he’s all about uh not uh not just sleeping away all of your potential but actually moving his his catchphrases to move forward he’s got he’s got to put that on a shirt somebody somebody buy a shirt from him um okay let’s fill at this again

we’ll select this line right here

and then we’ll fill it that that way

Sam says did you go to high school in Michigan or Florida I went to uh I went to high school in Michigan um it was uh a lot of a lot of um projects I tended to work I worked on were residential type projects but we weren’t dealing with civil 3D we were starting to like deal with um if a lot of you folks don’t know about it it’s called land desktop there’s Land There was Auto I was using something called serve CAD

and that which is by Carlson I believe and then we moved on to land desktop which is which is an earlier version of civil 3D then to civil 3D and civil 3D is just it’s one of those programs to where it’s just like it’s it’s so robust there’s so many different tools and and things like that things that you can manipulate that you you constantly have to kind of refresh yourself and and a lot of the other areas because you could kind of you can kind of dig a little bit of a rut for yourself when you’re working a designer job you start to begin to to get into a rut to where you’re using the same commands over and over again you if you’re if you’re working on the same projects over and over again then you start to forget certain aspects of the program and then you start to look like a beginner all over again so that’s what these exercise files are for like during these live streams I mean you as you can tell we’re going slow with this stuff because like you just like a beginner I’m refreshing myself um with a lot of the stuff that you know you miss over time so uh okay so the fillet is applied to the feature line

actually we’re going to do that on the other side too

I don’t know if you hear the the baby crying in the background uh fill it do that again click this there we go we’re making this as a nice transition we don’t we don’t want like a huge hole in our in our grading right here with our transition right there so we’ll go ahead and press enter to accept that

and that’s essentially it and that’s about it for tonight folks

Sam says uh Heist was high school for you a positive or negative experience were you a high achiever in class I was not I was a straight up C student all around C student I try to get involved with uh with Athletics with with basketball and things like that but as I look back on it now it was like

I should have gotten involved with uh with cross country early you know especially because I can remember there was a there was a friend of mine I wasn’t super close with them but this guy was just very very smart I was always an average C student I didn’t put forth a ton of effort into what I did to be honest with you I just uh I just did the bare minimum in school and then just went home and just screwed around on the computer and and shot some hoop and that was my life you know in high school but then um I got involved with a an architectural drafting class and that’s how I got into civil engineering through a high school Co-op but as I look back on it now it’s like man I should have gotten involved with uh some cross country because one one guy in particular this guy’s like a um

a scientist that I I didn’t even know that he was he was that smart like he was he was a smart guy but like he ran cross country and he was he was really good at it he was very very humble guy but then later on I found out that he’s like some like a nuclear physicist you know and it’s like man I should have hung out more with that with that kid rather than the uh the pot smokers you know uh Sam says baby crying how’s who’s baby not my baby I think it’s a um there’s a uh there’s somebody that just recently moved in that uh that has a child as a child but I’m used to it when when you’re uh when you’re living in an apartment you get used to a lot of different noises um where do you prefer to walk is it that’s that’s stupid heart icon where do you prefer to walk uh is there a local park in your community or on a treadmill a lot of times there’s there’s actually a trail that I go to that that’s not too far from where I live sometimes I’ll walk throughout my community like uh like during the work day I’d say about every two to three hours I’m you know if I’m working from home I typically get up and just go walk around and just to kind of stretch my legs and just to kind of like right now as I’m as I’m sitting sitting down in this chair my back feels a little bit tight just from just sitting down for such a long period of time I think even designers too can probably feel this pain to where you know you’re sitting down all day long and it’s like you need to get up and and get the blood moving because I found out I had a a pulmonary embolism um like years back which is essentially like a blood clot that enters into your lung and I think that it could it might have had to do with the fact that I sit down all day you know I live a lifestyle to where you know I’m sitting around all day long you know just working on computers and stuff and it it becomes one of those things where it’s just if you don’t get that blood moving especially I’m a tall guy a very tall guy and um you know blood clots you got to be aware of Beware of uh blood clots when you have that kind of sedentary lifestyle Sam says you going to church tomorrow yes sir yes sir uh uh I agree you need to walk every 40 minutes

uh I agree need to walk every 40 minutes wow I I didn’t know you had that yes blow blow flow is key how tall are you I’m six foot two six foot two

um so yeah that’s the dealio that’s the dealio folks let’s see what else we got going on in here with the uh oh Sam says blood flow hey what’s up Norm Lee says I take daily baby aspirins thins the blood less chance of blood clots I’ve heard of of something like that I actually take um what do I take I take something for I I did take blood thinners when I got out of the hospital but I asked him I said that you know what what could cause this and and they were they were saying that well you know could be you know if you if you sit down for long periods of time you know if you go for long flights they can happen that way or um sometimes it’s just a freak thing that happens you know freak thing that happens I know that most people are kind of like uh they want to try to prevent everything they can from you know happening to them but some something it’s just a free thing that happens that’s why I make sure that I have a good relationship with the man upstairs so yeah yeah I mean I even had that um uh when that happened it was actually on my birthday it happened on my birthday yep and um yeah the doctors are coming in and they were they’re just looking at me like how are you alive because I guess they were able to see what what the situation was with uh the x-rays with uh with my lungs and and stuff and it’s just sort of like I don’t know for whatever reason I’m here to uh I’m here for a purpose I’m here to stay here for a little while longer maybe maybe my purpose is to teach you civil 3D if you uh if you peruse all my content if you peruse my channel and check out my website I’m fulfilling my purpose fulfilling my purpose in life Sam two dollar Super Chat thank you he says we appreciate you thank you my brother thank you thank you thank you thank you for being so gracious to me thank you for the encouragement thank you for uh sticking around when uh maybe people might be a little too shy to uh to chat with me here Norm Lee he says uh us CAD operators do have a sanitary work work style yeah I mean it I know that like what I do with with my job typically what I’ll do is I’ll I’ll get up every two hours and typically like with with a lot of States they kind of have these laws into place to where uh in between you know maybe eight o’clock and lunch you’re supposed to get like about a 15 minute break well um and then a 15-minute break in between like after lunch and before you leave every day so two 15-minute breaks and um yeah I just use that time just to get up and just go you know get some water or go go for for a walk around I’ve got a parking structure that I do laps around and I just get my steps in and and even afterwards I’ll go for runs after work and stuff it’s not necessarily just a because I’m in like constant fear of like blood clots and things like that in the future that doesn’t really bother me that much it’s just a kind of I need my body to stretch I need my I need my body to to move around and and I need to be doing things you know I need to like activity is is what’s key I think activity is what kind of gives you some longevity but uh I don’t I don’t try to overdo it

Sam says uh teach Keb before we go to the upper room

The Upper Room

I’m gonna start calling you Claude from now on Sam instead of Sam I’m just gonna start calling you clog what’s up there Claude [Laughter] Sam and I have very similar Lifestyles we both do do the YouTube thing you know we’re both single dudes we’re both single dudes on the prowl right yes sir

actually this is kind of cool kind of ending a little bit early but we’re still roughly around the one hour mark I think that if uh if folks have questions about cat or anything like that if they can save them to the end man that’d be great yeah that you know I I got some comments from from folks within the channel that say that uh yeah you know when you when you stop in between uh during the tutorial it kind of messes us up with um it kind of messes up the flow when you’re chatting with people and you know while you’re working on your tutorials so I’m trying I’m trying to kind of cater to that a little bit so I think that by talking to folks towards the end of the stream I think that that is is a is a good way to uh to be able to structure the live stream maybe in the future

yeah you got to get everything you you got to get everything in life that that you can before you go to the upper room right Sam

The Upper Room [Laughter] Upper Room

normally says hard to get more subscribers and viewers civil 3D is a bit of an esoteric subject yeah which is I I think that might be the reason why you know the channel is is doing better and better you know uh because it is esoteric it is kind of like out there like

a lot of uh civil and civil designers use the program but as far as like civil engineers they’re they’re constantly trying to trying to understand it I I remember having a um I was a cad manager for a company where

certain Engineers just could not they just couldn’t get it I had to repeat myself over and over again just kind of like just basic stuff like creating a surface and you know adding data to a surface and I had to I was constantly having to show them how to do things over and over again which is why I got into doing video and tutorials and things like that on um on YouTube but uh but it’s it’s funny how people want that one-on-one training that even even if they have access to video sometimes they just want the one-on-one training to where you know you can kind of cater to to just them and sometimes it’s it’s it’s hard for CAD managers to be able to divide their time between doing actual Project work and helping everybody out uh Sam says remember the crowd has points but you are the one on court play your game gotcha that sounds like another catchphrase Sam play your game play your game

man I need to start coming up with shirts here for civil 3D then it won’t be an esoteric subject anymore right because everybody’s going to be wearing my shirts USA USA

remember 80 percent of society are at an eighth grade level they prefer gaming couples prank channels and hot chicks probably only 10 percent of society uses cat yeah oh yeah yeah cat is Cat is for the Chosen Few

The Chosen Few yeah I’ll tell you what CAD has has been able to take me on vacations it’s provided me a lot of different opportunities that’s that’s actually another video that I I think that I might uh end up editing and posting on my other channel Sam is uh talking about being grateful for certain aspects of things that are that have gone good in your life and CAD I remember I when I was when I first got the job in CAD I thought no I want to design logos for a living I want to do logos I don’t want to do this CAD stuff for the rest of my life when anytime somebody mentions something about you’re going to be doing it for the rest of your life yeah nobody wants to get involved with that but in my mind I was trying to make find a way of escape from Cad and then I got my my chance to to be a graphic designer learned to do graphic design and do Photoshop and illustrator and all that stuff and I got my chance and I found out not a whole lot different from CAD still dealing with the same problems you’re still you’re still dealing with the same questions and issues and layout changes it’s the same you know day in day out you’re coming in and and you’re having to cater to the client uh

uh Sam says hey look at it this way you’ll always have job security great skill that few can do but it makes sometimes Sam it does make me wonder what how AI will play into civil 3D in the future how you know are we going to be designing with headsets and you know kind of like that Apple headset that just came out is that the way that we’re going to be doing CAD in the future if that’s the case then it’s like oh man that’ll be another adjustment another adjustment normally says Windows has a program called steps re recorder

use it when explaining stuff to Engineers it records and saves every Mouse click and screenshot it saves it there you go there you go yeah I mean you’re as a person that that’s that knows the program and is is trying to help others out you you’d like to be able to Point people towards okay we’ve already went over that here’s a video on that

that’s very smart very smart Norm yeah I want to be a commercial artist and do ads and and I’m assuming that says look yep logos yeah you know like designers we want to be able to be creative and sometimes we think that engineering is not very creative but it can be especially I found a lot of creativity within um doing concept plans just doing concept site plans Sam says eventually AI may take may take over but you’ll probably still get a 10 to 15 year run yeah I hope so I I hope that by the end of this that my civil 3D channel doesn’t become obsolete

that would stink

Sam says Ubi Universal basic income AI takes over you’ll be fine fine time philosopher online yeah yeah or maybe I’ll be making um costumes I don’t know if you guys have seen this be right back


I make uh like I do 3D printed props you know

I do stuff like this RoboCop helmet I’m in the process of making a Robocop helmet so who knows maybe uh maybe I might be able to leave the cad world and get into some of this stuff the 3D printing world seems to be uh

going nicely Sam says you have a wide enough range to adapt remember the book who Moved My Cheese my cheese always adapt that’s what life’s all about life is all about being able to adapt you know I think that the people that have the biggest problem are the people that have a hard time changing you know if you’re not able to change it’s just sort of like man it’s it’s going to be a rough ride for you either that or you’re going to be fighting people to the nail I don’t want to change I don’t want to learn anything new or of course people don’t say that but normally RoboCop yeah normally you have you have 20 seconds to comply was that the Ed 209

you won’t thank you for your cooperation

Sam says when robots take over RoboCop will be uh us will be a certified as a classic yeah

[Laughter] well another thing that I’m that I’ve been getting involved with is learning how to model characters in in 3D like I’ve been using a program called blender here I’ll show you what what I’m talking about Norm you probably know what I’m talking about it’s called Uh blender or not yeah there’s blender and then there’s zbrush that’s what I’m learning zbrush

now you talk about being a total beginner again I’m learning how to use zbrush right now to develop characters and man this is just

trying to learn how to do this stuff it can be very very complex there’s so much stuff stuff going on here

normally laugh out loud yeah Sam says Johnny 5 short circuit was my favorite robot movie yeah Johnny Five did they make two of those movies number five is alive

yes Norm we need more input

yeah this yeah Norm this uh this zbrush this is like a whole new level of of 3D here you know trying to design characters and stuff like people are able to to do all kinds of um

let me type in here 3D print

STL hey see all this stuff that people do I hate that Google does this they shift all the all the results down all right where’s it at


yeah that here we go right here if you wanted to 3D print this stuff

you can take it from right here and all this stuff a lot of this stuff is 3D modeled in this zbrush and that’s what I’m trying to learn I’m trying to be able to get to that level to where I’m creating stuff like this and it’s it’s tough it’s tough I’m again I’m a beginner all over again

Norm says oh so those are all 3D and modeled yes sir yep

yeah this is uh this is some advanced stuff you thought engineering was tough man

yeah and you can print all this stuff off on a printer that costs about 200 bucks you can make your own statues at any size that you want Sam says draw johnny5 as your next painting would love to see a 3D print out of Johnny Five yeah I could I could give that a shot I don’t know if you guys know this but I’m all about 80s I love 80s 80s movies 80s music um I’m a dork when it comes to that that kind of stuff uh uh man I haven’t seen I haven’t seen that movie uh short circuit in a long time Norm says I want to print out print out a 3D of Ali Sheedy

who knows you might want to talk to Sam about about that because Sam is is all about the uh the robot girlfriends right Sam Sam’s all about the robot girlfriends

yeah he’ll um he’ll kind of bring you up to speed on on what’s happening with the um with the virtual girlfriend

Sam says robots will save Humanity

Sam I don’t know if you’ve ever seen this movie but you ever seen Terminator


you ever heard of Skynet uh Norm says like the Scarlett Johansson virtual girlfriend movie yeah it’s called her yes Sam did you end up seeing that movie Her

yes Sam says the good guys win yeah you got to kill the robots gotta kill the robots in the end yeah this is that movie Her yeah with Joaquin

I think this is the future

you just call your uh your virtual girlfriend on on the phone I think they already have that stuff

Sam says you ever see Putin or George Bush or Trump yeah they all got their finger on the bright red button right

oh we’re still we’re still around and I Robot with Will Smith

yep we never really see a whole lot of positive movies about uh about robots not a whole lot of positive stuff it’s just all about the bad stuff

yeah for those that are just tuning in it looks like we’ve got a couple more within the within the chat um we’re probably about wrapped up here with the tutorials we’re just shooting the breeze right right here in the chat if you have any questions about civil 3D I’ll do my best to answer them but uh but yeah um yeah just shooting the breeze right now

well folks I’m probably going to wrap this up we’re roughly a little over an hour

Norm says okay good good to see

uh uh okay cool good to see you live good to see you live I’m sorry

I was thinking good to see you live what good to see you live yes yes sir thanks for stopping in it’s good to meet you Norm

Sam says fear is more of a primitive emotion and it sells not so much with positivity yep and that’s why you have to break from the pack right right there Sam break from the pack

well folks until next time take care I hope that these tutorials helped you in some way if you have any questions feel free to uh to go ahead and leave some comments but until next time um next time we’re probably going to be going over maybe some Corridor assemblies we might dive into that or we might dive into uh the building footprint a little bit more with the gratings

so all right take care folks Johnny 5 is out peace