In this exercise you’ll attach several drawings to one drawing by attaching drawings you can annotate multiple large objects in a single compact drawing detailed labeling is usually one of the last steps in the design process in Autodesk civil 3D you don’t have to annotate objects in the drawings in which they reside you can create a single drawing with an external reference or commonly referred to as xrefs to the object drawings this process enables you to keep your annotation drawing size to a minimum while maintaining the benefit of dynamic label updates so let’s go about attaching drawings as xrefs for annotation using your Windows Explorer navigate to the tutorial drawings folder we have a shortcut to that right here
double click on civil tutorials then go into your drawing folder scroll down until you reach the labels portion select all of the drawings that have labels beginning in their file name go ahead and right click and select copy now double click on your shortcut to your my civil tutorial folder
and paste these drawings by right-clicking and selecting paste
in a later exercise you’ll modify some of the externally referenced drawings to make the modifications the drawings must be in a location to which you have right access go ahead and open up your labels Dash 1A drawing which you saved in the my civil 3D tutorial data folder in step 2. in the tool space go ahead and open up your prospector tab although a surface with an outside boundary is displayed in the drawing window notice that the surfaces collection is empty the surfaces collection is empty because the composite surface is an external reference or xref the surface data which is quite large exists in a separate drawing and large projects that have multiple surfaces each surface object should reside in its own drawing for example the existing ground surface should exist in one drawing with other drawings containing data references to it for example the proposed ground surface should exist in its own drawing with a data reference to the existing ground surface in the command line go ahead and type in xref
and the external references dialog box notice the difference between the open drawing size and the externally referenced drawing size the size of the current drawing is a fraction of the surface drawing using xrefs you can use data from another drawing without actually inserting the data in the external references palette click this downward Arrow right here now we want to attach a drawing next navigate to your my civil tutorial data folder now hold down your control key and select labels Dash alignments and labels Dash parcels we’re going to go ahead and open these two drawings in the external reference dialog box make sure that the following settings are selected the reference type will be attachment this setting specifies that extras remain with the current host drawing which is the labels-1a drawing if the current drawing is attached as an xref to another drawing if the overlay is selected extras that exist in the drawing are ignored if the drawing is attached to another drawing as an xref we want to keep the path type at relative this setting specifies that if you move the current and reference drawings to another location the references are less likely to be lost now note before creating an xref make sure that the reference drawings are saved in the same directory as the current drawing attached xrefs must have the following settings if the insertion point scale or rotation is different from the current drawing the Civil 3D labels will not work go ahead and click ok now you can see that the alignments and Parcels appear in the drawing window and the drawings in which they reside are listed in the external references palette go ahead and close this palette
note that when you attach xrefs a message may be displayed at the status bar indicating that there are unreconciled layers you can find more information about this in later tutorials so that’s how you go about attaching drawings as xrefs for annotation in civil 3D in this exercise you will learn how to locate annotation tools on the ribbon tabs this exercise continues from attaching drawings as xreps for annotation so let’s examine the annotate tab note that this exercise uses the labels-1a drawing with the modifications you made in the previous exercise now the annotate tab contains both civil 3D and AutoCAD annotation tools go ahead and click the labels and tables panel notice that the menu consists of label and table commands for the Autodesk civil 3D features you can access the label or table commands for each feature directly from this menu go ahead and hit Escape now click add labels
in the add labels dialog box you can select the feature label type and label Style this dialog box enables you to easily switch these settings as needed while annotating your drawing you’ll use this dialog box throughout the labels tutorials go ahead and click close next we’ll examine the object tabs go ahead and click the modify tab and then under ground data select surface
now under the labels and tables panel go ahead and select the add labels drop down notice that this menu consists of label and table commands for surfaces only each object tab contains an object-specific list of label and table commands so that’s how you go about exploring The annotation tools on the ribbon in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll use label sets to apply several types of labels to an alignment you can automatically add labels as you create objects such as points alignments or parcels labeling an object automatically is an efficient way to annotate common elements such as alignment stations or parcel areas as they’re created in this exercise you will specify a label set to apply as you create an alignment from a polyline both the newly created alignment and its labels will reside in the current drawing next you’ll learn how to modify the properties of the label set after the alignment has been created finally you’ll learn how to apply a label set to an alignment that exists in an externally referenced drawing so let’s go about creating a label set for a new alignment note that this exercise uses the labels-1a drawing with the modifications you made in the previous exercise or you can open the labels Dash 2A drawing in your tutorials folder let’s start by clicking the Home tab and then go to your create design panel select the alignment drop down and select create alignments from objects on the command line enter in x to select the xref option click the blue polyline that’s off to the West
then hit enter twice
in the create alignments from objects dialog box go ahead and enter in a name we’re going to call this West Street
for the alignment style make sure that it’s on proposed go ahead and examine the contents of the alignment label set when you create an object it’s create dialog box typically has style selector lists for both the object and the labels the style selector lists identify the object’s Styles and label styles that are available in the current drawing for that object type when you create an alignment profile or section you select a label set which applies a preset style to each of the various label types that are in the set you’ll examine an example of a label set in the following steps notice that there is a No Labels selection this selection is an empty label set as you can see right here this empty label set does not display any labels along the alignment note if you don’t want to annotate objects that do not use label sets you can create a label style that has the visibility of all of its components turned off in the alignment label set dialog box click the drop down and select major minor and geometry points click this downward Arrow and select copy current selection
the alignment label set dialog box displays information about how the major minor and geometry points label set is configured you’ll use this label set as the basis to create a new label set the information tab displays the label set name description and the date when it was created or modified the labels tab specifies the label types that are defined in the label set as well as the label styles that are used by each type in this example you use the label set to apply label styles to the geometry points and major and minor stations of an alignment note label sets for profiles and sections are constructed in the same manner using a similar dialog box go ahead and go back into your information tab and for the name
enter in major Dash minor stations
and start
Dash and points
go ahead and click the labels tab and the geometry points row click this button in the style column
select the alignment start label style and click ok
now click this button and the geometry points to label column we’re going to go ahead and clear all of our check boxes but we’re going to select the alignment beginning box then click ok you can use geometry Point label types to label a selection of geometry points using a combination of styles that you specify in steps 8 and 9 you applied a geometry Point label style to the alignment starting station in the following steps you’ll create another instance of the geometry points label type that applies a different style to the alignment ending station note to remove a label type from the label set the type then select the red x button in the alignment labeled set dialog box on the labels tab specify the following parameters under type select the drop down then select geometry points now for the geometry Point label Style we’re going to select alignment end then go ahead and click the add button and the geometry points dialog box we’re going to clear out all of our check boxes and then we’re going to select the alignment end go ahead and click ok
now go ahead and click OK again and then under conversion options we want to make sure that we’re adding curves between tangents so make sure that that check box is checked then go ahead and click ok
go ahead and zoom into the area surrounding the new alignment and you’ll see all of our brand new labels that were automatically placed along the alignment now note that if station 243 is adjacent to the intersecting alignment select your alignment
then in your contextual menu click the modify drop down and select reverse Direction
when the alignment is created it’s created in green the green color is controlled by the alignment style that you specified in step three notice that the new red labels are brighter than the labels that were brought in with the externally referenced objects the color tones are different so that you can easily identify where the labels reside bright labels are in the current drawing and the light labels are in the externally referenced drawings you’ll also note that warning symbols are created in the drawing to indicate where tangency has been violated for more information C to check for tangency between alignment entities let’s modify the label set of an existing alignment now note changes that you make to the alignment label set after the alignment has been created will not be applied to the original label set to edit the original label set go to your tool space click on the settings tab expand alignment and then label styles after that expand label sets right-click the appropriate label set and click edit to edit the labels in the drawing select the West Street alignment right click and select edit alignment labels in the alignment labels dialog box specify the following parameters under type select geometry points then for geometry Point label Style
we’re going to leave it on perpendicular with tick and line go ahead and click add we’re going to go ahead and clear all of the check boxes then select the following check boxes
tangent tangent intersect
tangent curve intersect
and curve tangent intersects then click ok then we can go ahead and click OK for all of our dialog boxes press escape to deselect the alignment and there you have it an alignment with a modified label set
now let’s go about adding labels to an alignment in a reference drawing click the annotate tab
look into the labels and tables panel click the drop down for add labels and then go under alignment and select add slash edit station labels next click on the Main Street alignment which is the longest alignment within the middle of the site
because this alignment exists in an externally referenced drawing the table in the alignment labels dialog box is empty as you can see right here only labels that are created in the current drawing can be modified in the current drawing labels that were created in an externally referenced drawing must be modified in the source drawing within our dialog box under type go ahead and select geometry points
we’re going to leave our geometry Point label style at its default then click add note that the import label set button applies a label set that exists in the current drawing and the geometry points dialog box go ahead and click ok in the alignment labels dialog box specify the following parameters for type we’re going to specify design speeds and then we’re going to leave the design speed label style at its default then click add
now go ahead and click ok on the Main Street alignment labels as you can see right here are displayed at each station which a new design speed as you can see right here is applied and at each geometry Point these label objects
reside in the current drawing and annotate the alignment in the externally referenced drawing so that’s how you go about adding labels in groups in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll add labels to specific areas on an alignment after it’s been created and automatically labeled this exercise continues from adding labels in groups so let’s start labeling multiple alignment segments note this exercise uses the labels Dash 2A drawing with the modifications you made in the previous exercise let’s start by clicking on the annotate tab and then move over to your labels and tables panel click this little drop down right here then go to alignment then add alignment labels
and the add labels dialog box specify the following parameters for the feature we’re going to leave it on alignment for the label type we’re going to select multiple segment now we have three label style fields we’re going to go ahead and accept the defaults you can choose specific styles for each of the line curve and spiral label styles but this alignment does not contain any spirals so the spiral label style setting is ignored go ahead and click add I’m going to move this dialog box off to the side then on the left hand side of the site we have our West Street alignment which you created in the adding labels in groups exercise go ahead and click the West Street alignment the multiple segment label command places a label in the middle as you can see right in here of each line and curve this method can be convenient but as you can see sometimes a few of the labels overlap other features of the drawing in the selecting and moving labels exercise you’ll move some of these labels let’s go about labeling single alignment segments go ahead and go up to your annotate tab then click on the add labels button
now that we’re in the add labels dialog box specify the following parameters for feature go ahead and select alignment for label type
select single segment
lastly for the line and label Style
select alignment name go ahead and click add you’re now ready to choose a specific location for a label on the alignment unlike multiple segment labels single segment labels are placed exactly where you click go ahead and zoom into your West Street alignment
right around the 120 station go ahead and click on the alignment near this station
be sure to select the line segment and not the station label because you clicked align segment the label style specified in the line label style list in the add labels dialog box was used if you had clicked on a curve right over here the label style would have inherited the curve label Style on the Main Street alignment which is the long alignment in the middle of the site go ahead and click on the Stations between 140 and 160.
on the E Street alignment
which is the alignment with the cul-de-sac at the right hand side of the site click a location between stations 200 and 220.
in the add labels dialog box in the line label style list
select bearing over distance
go ahead and click add
on the Main Street alignment
click on the alignment between the 120 and the 100.
a new label displaying the bearing and distance information is created let’s examine label settings for other objects in the add labels dialog box under feature go ahead and select parcel
this selection changes the label type and Style Selections that are available to add labels dialog box works in the same manner for all of the feature types shown in the feature list when you annotate objects in Autodesk civil 3D you can switch the type of object you’re labeling
as well as the label type
and style of the various elements as needed pay attention to the command line as you annotate objects some label types such as span slope grade and depth annotate a range of data between two points for example if you want to label a grade or depth between two points you must specify those points in the drawing and the ad labels dialog box go ahead and click close
so that’s how you go about manually labeling an object in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll select labels and change their location in the drawing your drawing currently contains many labels as you can see right here and some of them overlap each other you’ll move them in the following steps some label types such as alignment stations and geometry Point labels are part of a label type group that shares properties when you click one label in the group the entire group is selected properties for the group are controlled using the AutoCAD properties palette which is available when you select the group you can select the group and then change the properties of all the labels in the group simultaneously
as you can see right here let’s go ahead and bring that style back to its default alternatively you can hold down the control key and select an individual label to change the label properties individually other label types such as segment labels are not part of a group as you can see here each of these labels is treated as an individual object labels are distinct objects that are independent of the parent object that they annotate labels are dynamically linked to their parent object and automatically update when the parent object changes however labels reside on a separate layer and are not selected when you select the parent object if a label resides on an externally referenced drawing the label cannot be edited in the current drawing note that point parcel area Corridor and surface Watershed labels are not label objects they are sub entities of a parent object and their properties are managed in the label properties dialog box this exercise continues from manually labeling objects so let’s start by selecting labels in a drawing note this exercise uses the labels-2a drawing with the modifications you made in the previous exercise or you can open the labels-2b drawing from the tutorials folder make sure you’re zoomed in into the area around the West Street label on the alignment on the left hand side of the site go ahead and select the alignment notice that the alignment is highlighted and the grips appear along the alignment the alignment labels however are not highlighted in previous versions of Autodesk civil 3D labels were sub-entities of their parent object now most Autodesk civil 3D labels are independent objects that reside on their own layer although they are independent objects labels are dynamically linked to their parent object and automatically update to reflect the changes in the parent object go ahead and press escape to deselect the alignment on the road alignment select one of the station labels notice that all the other station labels along the alignment are now highlighted press escape to deselect the station labels now click one of the curve labels notice that while the curve label is selected the other curve labels are not these are two distinct label object types label type groups are when you select a label that is part of a label type group such as an alignment station label which is what we did before you’ll notice that the entire group is selected if you select a label type group and use the right-click menu to update the label properties the properties of every label in the group will update to select a single label within a label type group use the control click method single label objects are when you select a single label object such as an alignment curve label which is what we did before only that label object is selected you can change the properties including the label style and single label objects without affecting the other labels of the parent object go ahead and press escape to deselect the curve label now let’s go about moving labels in the drawing click the label showing the bearing and distance
next select this Square little grip down at the bottom and when you click on it see how it turns red then as you click and drag it
you can move it into a clear location go ahead and press escape to deselect the label
see how a leader line is Created from the label to the alignment click the West Street label and notice how we get similar grips click the diamond grip
and notice again how the grip turns red drag the label to the right
and click
press escape to deselect the label next pan and zoom to the cul-de-sac area
use the grips to drag the curve label away from the alignment
click the EP station
and click the grip the grip turns red drag the label up and to the right to move it to a clear location a leader line is Created from the label to the alignment notice that the label displays without a border the border is hidden because the drag state of the label style specified a different format for when the label is dragged to a new location you’ll learn more about label style settings in the working with label styles tutorials note you can reset a selected label by clicking the circle grip
press Escape and do the same with all the other labels
next let’s select labels in an xref click one of the station labels on Main Street notice that both the Main Street and E Street alignments and their station labels are selected the labels were selected because the labels were created in an externally referenced drawing in which the alignments reside when an object has been created through an xref you can edit its labels only in the source drawing press escape to deselect the xref so that’s how you go about selecting and moving labels in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll use the standard AutoCAD tools to control properties for both individual labels and group labels you can change the properties of an individual label object and a label object group this exercise continues from selecting and moving labels so let’s examine label properties now note that this exercise uses the labels Dash 2B drawing where the modifications you made in the previous exercise on the command line go ahead and type in list
then zoom in to the West Street alignment and select the bearing and distance label
then press enter
and AutoCAD text window appears displaying the object type label type and layer of the selected objects go ahead and Escape out of this window
let’s go ahead and change the style of a single label zoom out a bit and click this curve label next take a look at the properties and then we’re going to select a different curve label Style click the little drop down menu right here and we’re going to select design data
press escape to deselect the label now we’re going to change the style of a group of labels
click this station right here
you’ll notice that all the stations are highlighted indicating that they are part of a label group right click and select edit alignment labels note that selecting edit alignment labels from the contextual menu opens the alignment labels dialog box where you can change the alignment label set go ahead and Escape out of this and instead we’re going to go to our properties again and select our drop down then select perpendicular with tick go ahead and press Escape
lastly we’re going to flip a label to the opposite side of the alignment control click this geometry point
and the properties palette go ahead and examine the properties under General go ahead and select true under flipped press escape to deselect the label
so that’s how you go about working with label properties in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll draw the pipe Network Parts in a profile view this exercise uses the pipe Network and Branch you created in the changing pipe Network properties tutorial so let’s go about drawing the pipe Network Parts in profile view go ahead and open up your pipe networks Dash 3 drawing which is located in your tutorials folder now in the drawing window go ahead and zoom in to your pipe Network
click a pipe to select it then right click and select draw Parts in profile view
then go ahead and zoom out
to your profile view and select your profile view grid
and there you have our first pipe let’s go ahead and do that again
we’ll select this portion of pipe then we’ll right click again draw Parts in profile view zoom out
and then select our profile view
you can select any of these pipes right here but I’m just going to go ahead and press escape to deselect the pipe now we’ll go ahead and zoom out a little bit and then select our profile view right click and select profile view properties you’ll see within the profile view properties dialog box we get an extra tab for our pipe Networks this tab only appears if we have drawn a portion of our pipe Network within the profile view so we have our full Network within this tab and we also have a draw column and right now we have pipes two and three currently drawn within our profile view
but what I’m going to do is I’m going to go ahead and select all of these parts to be drawn within the profile view
so I’m going to check all of these boxes
and then I’m going to press apply and then click ok and you’ll see how our grid adjusts for the height of each of our structures
however in this profile view I only want to show the pipes along our roadway I don’t want to show any of this pipe kind of going off in a different direction
and these pipes are pipe 10 1
and pipe 10. we can take a look at our structure numbers here as well this is structure 12. and we’ve got our head wall which is structure 11. I want to remove those from the profile view so what I’m going to do is I’m going to select the profile view right click go back into my properties
now within pipe networks I’m going to deselect these structures within the draw column so that they won’t be drawn in my profile view so I’m going to go to pipe10 we’re going to check that box so it won’t be drawn
then 10 1
structure 11
and structure 12. won’t be drawn within my profile view and click apply then click ok and you see how the profile adjusts accordingly so that’s how you go about drawing pipe Network Parts in a profile view in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll change the default abbreviations that appear in Geometry Point labels this exercise continues from overriding labeled text so let’s go ahead and change the label content in the drawing settings note that this exercise uses the labels Dash 3A drawing with the modifications you made in the previous exercise let’s go ahead and zoom into West Street we’ll do that by going under our alignments and then clicking Center Line alignments then we’ve got West Street right here we’re going to select West Street right click and select Zoom 2. so we’ve got all of West Street within our viewing area then we’re going to focus in on the area right over here between station zero
in station 80. in the tool space we’re going to go to our settings tab then we’re going to select our drawing name right click and select edit drawing settings
we get our drawing settings dialog box go ahead and click on the abbreviations tab now one thing to note before we get into the abbreviations is that with the object layers tab you can change the default layer to any layer that you choose and you can change it by clicking on the layer
and choosing it and selecting ok I want to cancel out of this let’s go ahead and go back to our abbreviations tab
now go down to the alignment geometry Point text category in this category shows all the abbreviations currently used for the geometry point within the value column I’m going to go down until I get to alignment end I’m going to change this abbreviation say end and press enter next I’m going to go to the tangent curve intersect
I’m going to click on that cell and I’m going to call this tan Cur
for tangent curve and I’m going to press enter
after that go to the curve Dash tangent intersect I want to select this I’m going to type in Cur tan
then press enter
after that go ahead and click ok
then if we zoom out a little bit here you can see how these labels have been impacted the geometry Point labels update to reflect the change in the drawing settings however if the abbreviations in the geometry Point labels have not updated to reflect the changes you made go ahead and type in Regen and the command line and then press enter so that’s how you go about changing label content in the drawing settings in civil 3D
all right so just a little bit of an introduction uh in this exercise you’ll create a table to display information about parcel objects you’ll use a similar workflow to create tables for most Autodesk civil 3D objects in this section excuse me in this exercise you’ll learn about the table Tools in Autodesk civil 3D and a dynamic nature of externally referenced drawings you’ll add a parcel area table to externally to an externally referenced drawing and then examine the results in the host drawing to create a table for an object the object must be labeled most tables require that you specify the table data by selecting a label Style in this exercise you’ll excuse me you’ll select parcel area labels to create a parcel area table however the parcel and area label exists in an externally referenced drawing the parcel area tables cannot be created through an xref so you cannot create the table in the current drawing so let’s go about applying a simpler parcel area label Style all right we’ll be dealing with two separate CAD files we’ll have the labels-4a drawing open as well as the labels Dash parcel open excuse me labels Dash Parcels open and as you can see right here the labels Dash Parcels file is actually xrefed into the labels-4a file and you can see that right here if we select this you can see that this is xreft and you can see that in the name that it’s the labels Dash Parcels drawing right in here you can also pull up the xref XR for xref
and you can see your xrefs this way we’ll start by going into the labels Dash Parcels drawing
and over here right around this cul-de-sac area we’ve got a bunch of parcels here this is phase one
we’ve got 37 through 41.
this is what we’re going to be focusing on and these labels we’re going to assign a simpler label and then after that we’re going to create a table that will be display that will display the parcel data okay I’m going to deselect these and I’m going to go into tool space and then under the prospector tab I’m going to go to sites expand the site and then we have parcels I’m going to expand the parcels
and I’m going to go down to Parcels 37 through 41. I’m going to shift-click
to 41. and then down at the bottom we get all of these we get all of our Parcels right here 37 through 41.
if we select all of these shift select
excuse me shift click and then you scroll off to the side where we have this area label Style
you can go up at the top of our column right click select edit to edit all of them at once
we get our select label style dialog box if we click this drop down we can select parcel number then click ok then that changes our label to a much simpler label Style
okay then I’m going to press Escape
after that in the following steps you’ll create a table that displays detailed information about each of these parcels so let’s go about creating a parcel area table
okay go to your excuse me go to your annotate tab and then click this add labels drop down then go into parcel
then go into add area
we get our parcel creation dialog box
then we’re going to focus our attention on this area right here select by label or Style and the parcel number row we’re going to click this box to apply you can select multiple styles from which to create the parcel table all the parcels that use the selected Styles will be shown in the table and we’re going to go ahead and click ok
so we get our table now we need to place it we’ll place it right over here
well let’s add another table let’s add um
come on add area instead of applying it to the parcel number let’s apply it to the name area and parameter let’s do that see what that does then click ok then we get something totally different
that captures parcel 48 and 54. what do we have for 48 and 54. is this 48
yep I can see right here this is parcel you can see it in the properties parcel number 48. this has the area and parameter it’s a parameter perimeter it has that style assigned to it and we need to where’s 51. is it 51 or 54 that’s 54 I’m sorry see right here this label Style um shows area and perimeter and this is parcel number 54. so these two label styles are creating this table right here
let’s do it for another one
parcel add area let’s go with this one see what this does click ok
now what we’re going to do is since the labels Dash parcel drawing is xrefed into the labels-4a drawing if you remember the labels are going to show up in the excuse me the tables are going to show up in the labels Dash 4A drawing as soon as I save the parcels drawing so go ahead and do that go ahead and click the the save button here
and then we’ll get some notifications that think that the xref has changed in the labels-4a drawing
see right here we get a bubble that says an xref was modified reload the labels that’s Dash Parcels drawing so I’ll go ahead and do that click that link
and then we have our updates even our labels were updated right here
you can also update by typing in XR for xref and you can reload the drawing by right clicking and clicking reload
or you can select the xref right click and select reload so there’s lots of different ways of being able to accomplish the same thing in this exercise you’ll create parcel segment labels directly in the current drawing you’ll then convert the segment labels to tags and create a table to display the detailed label information
so let’s go ahead and label the parcel segments this exercise uses the labels Dash 4A drawing which is located in your tutorials folder and then what we’ll do is we’ll go ahead and start off in the annotate tab we’ll go into the add labels menu parcel and then add parcel labels
move this off to the side here we get our add labels dialog box for the label type we’re going to switch that from single segment to multiple segment for the line tables I’m sorry for the line label Style
we’re going to have it bearing over distance so this is correct and for the curb the curve label Style
we’re going to have Delta over length and radius so we’re good on that next we’re going to click on this button right here table tag numbering
then we get our table tag numbering dialog box and we’re going to examine the settings that are available okay I’ve got a little read here you can skip past this if you if you wish but I’m going to go ahead and read it right here it’s the settings specify the starting number and increment for line curve and spiral tags notice that there are separates there are separate starting number and increment properties for both table tag creation and table tag renumbering so right here we’ve got two separate categories here table tag creation and table tag renumbering for this exercise except the default value of one for all properties when you convert the labels to table tags they will all use a starting number and an increment of one you’ll use the table tag renumbering properties later so we’ll go ahead and click cancel out of this
now on the add labels dialog box go ahead and click add
and then we’re going to zoom into move this off to the side we’re going to zoom into 39 40 41
37 and 38. so really all the parcels that have kind of like the circular numbering right here so go ahead and select that and then we’re going to press enter to accept the default clockwise label Direction now as you click the labels are placed on each parcel segment if you wish zoom in to inspect the labels before you convert them to tags so we’ll just go go around here we’ll click the next one
select enter for clockwise do the same thing for 39 enter 40 enter and 41 enter so we’ve got all of our bearings and distances for all of our parcels
now what we’re going to do is because there’s there’s so long I mean you can see just based upon this area right in here that there’s overlap you know so what we want to do is we want to convert these into smaller tags and then those tags will be linked up to a table when you’ve finished labeling the parcels go ahead and right click to end the command and as you can see the add labels dialog box remain remains open in case you want to label more Parcels or other objects you can close it so you will not be able to you will you won’t be using this for the rest of the exercise
now we’re going to place the segment labels in a table go ahead and click on the annotate tab and then click on the add tables menu here and then go into parcel
and then add excuse me add segment
this option creates a table that shows both the line and curve segments of the labeled parcels okay we get our table creation dialog box here we want to focus our attention in this area select by label or Style and what we want to do is we want to apply certain styles by checking these boxes over here we want to look for parcel curve Delta over length and radius so this is what we want right here we want to apply this and then for partial line bearing over distance so that’s right here
then we want to click ok
we have our little table off off to the side here okay we’re gonna click this maybe way up here that works so we get two two tables right here and what I’m going to do just to
for Simplicity I’m going to type in viewports
I’m going to put in
two vertical viewports so I can see both my table and my parcels just for clarity and as you can see all of our bearings and distances have been converted to tags
which correspond to the table let’s zoom in here we’ve got C1 here’s C1 C2 C3 C4 so all of this stuff
is listed in our table right here okay in this exercise you’ll create a label style in most cases the easiest way to create a style is to find an existing style that is similar to the format that you want create a copy and then modify the copy in the following steps you’ll create a design speed label Style you’ll learn various ways to create and edit label styles using the Civil 3D tool space so let’s go ahead and create a label Style note that this exercise uses the labels-4b drawing with the modifications you made in the previous exercise or you can open up the labels Dash 5A drawing which is located in your tutorials folder now first off we’re going to zoom into station zero of the Main Street alignment now which one is the main street alignment is it this one I’m not sure could it be this one
ah this looks like West Street
this over here is E Street so this main one right here is Main Street if I wanted to I could go ahead and select it right click
and select insert
now if I want to I can go ahead and select the alignment actually before I do that right now it’s a block I’m going to explode it by pressing X to explode
and now we have our alignment
and it’s the Main Street alignment so we’re going to zoom into station zero zero which is right here examine the design speed label you’ll use the label style as a basis to create a new label style that will display the design Speed without the station label the design speed labels will be placed at locations where the stations are already labeled note the design speed information including the station at which the design speed has been applied is available in the alignment properties dialog box on the design speeds tab so we’re going to select the design speed label right click excuse me right click and select edit alignment labels okay so I’m going to select the alignment right click
and select edit alignment labels
okay under type I’m going to select
design speeds
okay next okay what we’re going to do is we’re going to create new
okay we get our label style composer dialog box on the information tab we’re going to specify the following parameters for the name we’re going to call this design speeds
Dash inline
for description we’re going to say small design speed label perpendicular
to the alignment
then we’re going to go to the general tab on the general tab you’ll specify the settings for the overall label style including the visibility layer and plan readability for this exercise accept the default settings on this tab you can turn on or off the visibility of the individual label components on either the summary or layout tab so we’ve got our layout tab and then we have a summary which encompasses really everything within these tabs right here so it’s kind of a long
long tab here but we’ll Press On click the layout tab on the layout tab you specify the content of the label style a label can be made up of one or more components Each of which can have separate properties okay we’re going to examine the contents of the component name list
so when I click this drop down I have the option of station design speed and line so we’re just on station here’s design speed you can see that the contents have changed right here if we hit line then that changes
go back to station says station right here in the contents okay each component is shown in the preview pane on the right side of the dialog box you can use the buttons to the right of the component name list to create copy or delete label style components
so which means this this stuff right over here these components were copied when you created the style from the existing station over speed Style that’s from a previous exercise and the component name list select station we’re in there right now the general in the general collection change the visibility to false
we’re going to swap this out to false you can see how that changed in our preview panel right here so notice that your your change is shown immediately in the preview pane this pane is useful when you’re designing a label style if you don’t like what you see in the preview you can change it before saving the style note to delete the station component select it from the component name list and then click the X so if we wanted to delete this station component completely we just click this x right here delete component in the component name list select the design speed
select that now we’re going to specify the following parameters under General the anchor component we’re going to keep that online The Anchor Point we’re going to change this to end see how that changes in the preview for text
we’re going to change the attachment to bottom right
see how that changes it
for the X offset we’re going to make that zero for y offset we’re going to change that to 1.
in the text collection for the contents property
we’re going to click right here and select this button
you can use the text component editor dialog box to define the content and format of a label style text component the property the properties list displays the available properties that can be displayed in a label component when you select a component from the list the applicable values are displayed in the table below so we’ve got all this stuff right here we can change the format here okay in the text component editor dialog box in the in the preview pane select the design text
so right here and we’re going to delete this press the delete button actually we’re going to delete all of this just leave speed now we’re going to select the design speed property block by clicking right here it selects all of it right here after you have selected the property block in the preview pane you can modify the specific values that were applied to the property in the properties list select design speed so we’ve got that selected right now we’re going to change the Precision
to one decimal place right here then to apply this select this Arrow right here that applies it shows the Block in the preview the preview pane now you’ll notice I’m not sure if you can see this or not but there’s a block of code that changed from po to P1 right here go ahead and select the speed text and then we’re going to go into the format tab you can change the style justification font and color of each text component with the text in the preview pane selected change the font to to Times New Roman then click OK font where’s times
New Roman right here see how that changed in the preview then we’re going to click ok in the label style compose composer notice that the speed font is different from the design speed value the design speed value font did not change because it was not selected when you change the font go ahead and click ok to close the label style composer and then pick the label style and Alignment labels dialog boxes Okay so we have all of this selected we’re going to add this to the Main Street alignment by clicking add and click ok now you can see how a label right here was added we scroll down
you can see how this was added
and here they all are for our speed our design speed labels