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In this exercise you’ll learn how to use grading settings go ahead and open up your grading dash one drawing in your tutorials folder and then navigate to your tool space and then click on the settings tab next right click on grading and select edit feature settings

and the edit feature settings dialog box expand the general section I’m going to go ahead and move this column a little bit more and then I want you to focus on the save command changes to settings portion now verify that this value is set to yes this setting saves command settings for reuse now for example if you create a grading and set the grade to five percent then five percent is the default value the next time you create a grading go ahead and scroll down

until you get to this section right here and we need to maximize the grade slope and grade slope notice the options for the unit format and precision the integer value for precision specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal place go ahead and click ok so that’s how you go about reviewing grading settings in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll create a grading criteria set for a ditch grading then create three criteria in the set each grading criteria provides a standard formula for creating a graded slope individual criteria values can be locked so they cannot be changed for individual gradings this exercise continues from reviewing grading settings now this exercise uses the grading-1 drawing in your tutorials folder let’s go ahead and go into your tool space and then click on the settings tab next expand your grading collection then expand the grading criteria sets collection the grading criteria sets collection displays the existing grading sets for the drawing you’ll create a new grading criteria set when you create two new criteria within the new set right click on the grading criteria sets and click new

now that we’re in the grading criteria set properties dialog box go ahead and enter in the following name we’re going to call this ditch criteria set

then as an option you can enter in a description we’re going to skip that and go ahead and click ok

now you’ll notice the new grading criteria set within the grading criteria sets collection go ahead and right click on our new criteria set and select new we now have a grading criteria dialog box and make sure you’re on the information tab in the name field go ahead and type in the following distance

at negative six percent this grading criteria creates a grade to a distance of 10 feet at negative six percent grade go ahead and click on the criteria tab now type in the following parameters we’re going to leave the target at distance we’re going to specify that distance at 10 feet

for projection we’re going to leave it at slope for format we’re going to change it to grade

and that grade will be negative six percent and for the grade parameter I’m going to check this little lock right here to go ahead and lock that when you lock a grade value and grading criteria you’re not prompted to specify its value each time you use the criteria go ahead and click ok

go ahead and expand your ditch criteria set and you’ll see our latest let’s type in a new one right click on the criteria set again and select new we’re going to create a second criteria by repeating the previous procedure however we’re going to use a different name we’re going to call this surface at 4 on one slope

next go to the criteria tab we’re going to specify the target as surface

the projection we’re going to leave at cut fill slope for search order we’re going to leave it at cut first let’s set the values for the cut slope projection going up and the fill slope projection going down for each one we’re going to keep the format at slope but the slope we’re going to type four to one

this criteria creates a grade to an existing surface at a four to one slope go ahead and click ok

now for the third criteria set right click and we’ll add a new name


elevation at 3 to 1 slope

and we’re going to go to the criteria and set the following parameters the target we’re going to change that

to relative elevation we’re going to have a relative elevation of negative 3.

the projection we’re going to leave it slope for slope projection we’re going to leave the format at slope

but we’re going to change the slope to 3 to 1. this criteria creates a grade to a relative elevation of negative three feet at a three to one slope go ahead and click ok

so that’s how you go about creating grading criteria in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll create a new grading style and slope pattern this exercise continues from creating grading criteria now note that this exercise uses the grading dash one drawing with the modifications you made from the previous exercise so let’s start by going to the tool space and then click on your settings tab expand your grading collection and then expand your grading styles select your grading styles collection right click and select new

now we’re in the grading style dialog box make sure you’re on the information tab and then type in the following name we’re just going to call this ditch

and optionally you can add a description

next click on the display tab we’re going to change the color of the daylight line

we do that by clicking this box right here and we’re going to change it to red click ok

now click on the slope patterns tab under options go ahead and check the box for slope pattern now it’s currently on basic what we’re going to do is we’re going to click this drop down and we’re going to select copy current selection

we’re going to change the name to ditch slope

and then go ahead and click the layout tab in the component field select component 2. now let’s scroll down until we get to this section right here slope line symbol we’re going to change the symbol type to none now let’s go ahead and click ok now as you can see the new ditch slope pattern is selected for the ditch grading Style we can learn more about our grading style if we click on summary and expand this information

as you can see under the slope pattern style we have it set to ditch slope which we just created next go ahead and click ok

now if we go into our tool space under the settings tab

we can expand our general settings expand multi-purpose styles and then select slope pattern styles and the style that we just created for our ditch shows up right in this section here so that’s how you go about creating grading styles in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll use two different methods to create feature lines feature lines can either be drawn with straight and curved feature line segments or created from existing alignments or AutoCAD lines arcs polylines or 3D polylines a feature line can be used as a grading Baseline but not as a Target this exercise continues from setting up grading standards we’ll Begin by creating feature lines from AutoCAD objects now note that this exercise can use the grading dash one drawing with the modifications you made in the previous tutorial or you can open up the grading-2 drawing which is located in your tutorials folder we’ll go ahead and begin by drawing a couple lines that connect circles a b and c we’ll do that by going to the Home tab and then over to the draw panel click the line drop down and select create line

go ahead and zoom in and snap to the center of a and then connect this line to be and then over to C

go ahead and press enter to exit the command now go over to the Home tab again and then to the create design panel select the feature line drop down and select create feature lines from objects

our command line is asking us to select a line so we’ll select this one and this one go ahead and press enter now we get the create feature lines dialog box

these feature lines will be contained within site 1. and notice that you can also assign a name to each of these lines naming significant feature lines can make it easier to assign targets when creating a corridor for this exercise though you’ll assign the names after the feature lines have been created following the workflow enables you to create many feature lines at the same time but only the most significant feature lines go ahead and keep everything else at its default and click ok you’ll see when you click on each of the lines that they are in fact feature lines and they’re all contained within our site one if you click on feature lines you’ll see them listed down below but notice that the name fields are blank let’s go about naming our feature lines go ahead and select each one then right click and select apply feature line names we get our apply feature line names dialog box go ahead and select this button right here now we’ll name our template within the property Fields we’re going to leave it on next counter and then click insert

then within the name box type in a b c and I’m going to go ahead and put a space then click ok

and click ok now you’ll see that the name fields are still blank what you want to do is you want to click on feature lines right click and select refresh now the appropriate names are shown for our feature lines next you’ll draw a feature line and specify elevations along the line let’s go about drawing a new feature line go into your home tab and enter your create design panel again click the feature line drop down and select create feature line

we get our dialog box again our feature lines are going to be contained within the site 1 but now we’re going to check the name box and then we’re going to replace feature with c d e f because we’re going to be connecting c d e f now under style we’re going to leave that checked but we’re going to change it to ditch

go ahead and click ok now our command line is asking us to specify a start point go ahead and select the center of C and now it’s prompting us for an elevation go ahead and type in 688

now specify the next point within d and for this elevation we’re going to specify transition to defer entering elevation values at intermediate points along the feature line go ahead and select the center of E

and select transition again

pan up and then select f but for f we’re going to select the surface

now the surface elevation in this area is 712.066

go ahead and accept that elevation by pressing enter go ahead and press enter to end the command now you’ll see that this ditch is also shown within our feature lines and it’s labeled accordingly with the appropriate Style so that’s how you go about creating feature lines in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll assign elevations to the feature lines you created from AutoCAD lines in the previous exercise this exercise continues from creating feature lines so let’s go about editing feature line elevations now note that this exercise uses the grading Dash 2 drawing with the modifications you made in the previous exercise we’ll start by going to the modify tab and then over to the edit elevations panel then select the elevation editor our command line is asking us to select an object let’s zoom in and select our ditch feature line in the grading elevation editor you’ll see the length of each leg of our feature line as well as the elevation at each vertex notice that as you specified in the feature line exercise the elevation of 688 and the elevation of the last point which matches our existing surface of 712.066

the elevation values of the two intermediate points are interpolated based upon your beginning and endpoint values now you’ll assign elevation values to line a b let’s go ahead and pan over the feature line a b then select this button right here to select the feature line go ahead and select feature line a b and you’ll see how our grading elevation editor changes in our grading editor we’re going to select this button insert elevation point

now we’re going to select a point somewhere midway between a and b

and the insert pvi dialog box we can specify an exact station and elevation but for right now just go ahead and click ok you can see how it added that additional pvi the point is added to the table where you can edit the station elevation length and grade go ahead and press Escape

and select the feature line now go ahead and click on that pvi that you created and you can stretch it along this line

notice how the elevation doesn’t change if I move it to this side the length changes but the elevation stays constant let’s go ahead and set our elevation by double clicking on the field and we’re going to set the elevation to 687.

in the next few steps you’ll drape the feature line BC across the existing ground surface this command assigns an elevation to each vertex on the feature line so let’s go about draping a feature line on a surface if necessary press Escape once or twice to deselect feature line a b

in the modified tab go ahead and go into the edit elevations panel and select this button elevations from surface

now we get the set elevations from surface dialog box we’re on our existing surface and under options we want to make sure that this box is checked to insert intermediate grade points and for relative elevations to surface we want to keep that cleared go ahead and click ok now you can go ahead and select the feature line BC

and then press enter to exit the command if we select it

and right click and select elevation editor you’ll see all the data for that feature line including each elevation that passes the edge of a triangle of a tin surface you can also see those designated by each of these circles a feature line on a Surface like this can be a useful starting point for a grading you can use controls along the top of the grading elevation Editor to add or delete elevation points and to adjust their elevations you can select multiple points by holding down shift

and raise and lower them together

go ahead and select the check box to close the editor and go under surfaces

right click on your existing surface go to surface properties

go into information and turn on the triangles for our 10 lines click ok and if you select the feature line you can see where all of these cross so that’s how you go about assigning feature line elevations in civil 3D so in this exercise you’ll create a set of gradings called a grading group these form a runoff on the side of an embankment this exercise continues from assigning feature line elevations so let’s go about creating a grading group and specify grading creation settings now note that this exercise can use the grading Dash 2 drawing with the modifications you made in the previous exercise or you can open the grading-3 drawing from your tutorials folder so let’s go ahead and start by clicking on the Home tab and then look within the create design panel then select the grading drop down and select grading creation tools

we’ll get the grading creation tools toolbar and the first thing we’ll do select this button set grading group

we get the create grading group dialog box and we’re going to give it a name we’ll call it ditch drainage

we’ll select the box for automatic surface creation and then the surface Style we’re going to leave it on standard for the volume base surface we’ll check that box then we’re going to select ok

now we get the create surface dialog box we’re going to keep everything at its default and then click ok now go back into your toolbar and then select this button select a criteria set

we can select a ditch criteria set and then click ok you’ll notice after doing that we have a list of different criteria we’re going to go ahead and select distance at six percent now it’s time to create our grading select this button right here and then zoom in

to the feature line that’s connecting A and B which is this white line right here

now our command line is asking us to select the grading side we’ll select this side right here and we’re going to apply to the entire length of the feature line so click yes

now for the distance we’re going to leave it at its default of 10 feet so I’ll just press enter

Escape out of the command and then select this little diamond which will allow us to select the entire grading you’ll see after creating this grading that if we go under sites and under site one you’ll see our ditch drainage grading group this grading creates one side of the ditch extending down from the Baseline at six percent for a distance of 10 feet after selecting the grading object go into your properties and select a different style we’re going to select the ditch Style and you’ll see how that changes the appearance of our grading in the next few steps you’ll create another grading from the target line that was created from our previous grading this grading will connect to our existing surface so let’s start by zooming out until we see both A and B we’ll Begin by selecting our grading criteria we’ll change it from the six percent to the four on one go ahead and click your grading button and then select the feature line which is going to be right here

and we’re going to apply to the entire length

it’s asking us for a cut slope of four on one we’ll select enter and our fill slope will be four on one press enter go ahead and press escape to exit the command so the grading is created this grading creates a four on one slope from the bottom of the ditch to the surface now note that your results May differ from the illustration so that’s how you go about creating a grading in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll edit the elevation of a grading Baseline the grading adjusts to reflect the elevation change so let’s go about editing the feature line elevations go ahead and open up your grading-4 drawing which is located in your tutorials folder this drawing contains a white rectangular building pad if we select it you’ll see that it’s a feature line with specific elevations assigned to it this building pad is graded to the surrounding surface at a three-on-one slope which is represented by this grading where the slope pattern is green it’s a fill slope which the grading slopes down from the grading pad conversely the red area is the cut which the grading slopes up from the building pad go ahead and go into your modify tab and then over to the edit elevations panel and click on the elevation editor our command line is asking us to select an object go ahead and select the building pad

the elevation editor shows the grading settings for each corner of our pad

as well as some intermediate points in the elevation editor go ahead and shift-click the Third and fourth rows we’re going to change these elevations to 7 30.

you’ll see how our grading is now affected particularly the cut the grade back and grid ahead values have also changed now let’s edit the feature line grades go ahead and shift-click the first four rows

now go ahead and click this button to flatten grade or elevations

we’re going to make this into a constant grade

so now all of these are at a constant slope next select this button show grade breaks only the second station row is Now hidden as you can see here because there’s no difference in grade between it and the previous station in the first row let’s change this by double clicking the Box and type in negative three percent

go ahead and select this button again notice that the second station grade has changed to reflect the change that you made in the last step go ahead and select the check box so that’s how you go about editing the grading elevation in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll adjust the elevation of a building pad to balance the cut and fill volumes this exercise continues from editing the grading elevation so let’s balance cut and fill volumes note this exercise uses the grading-4 drawing with the modifications you made in the previous exercise or you can open up the grading Dash 5 drawing which is located in your tutorials folder we’ll start by going to the analyze tab and then over to the grading volume tools we get our little window right here now on the grading volume tools toolbar notice that when we select the grading group it’s currently on building pad which is really the only grading group within our drawing go ahead and cancel out of this the fields for cut fill and net show that the grading as designed requires the net cutting and removal of a large volume of surface material I’ll select this button to raise the grading group

now note the changes within our volumes you’ll see within the description that the group was raised by one foot you can also select this other button to lower the grading group

and you’ll see that we’re right back to our original cut fill and net volumes lastly go ahead and select this button to automatically raise or lower to balance the volumes

in the auto balance volumes dialog box leave the required volume set to zero or you can change the value if you wish but go ahead and select ok

when we move this off to the side you’ll see that the net volume has been adjusted as close as possible to the set value so that’s how you go about balancing cut and fill volumes in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll edit a grading criteria and an Associated grading adjust to reflect the criteria change you’ll edit grading criteria attribute values in two ways in the elevation editor dialog box using this method updates the grading criteria for only the currently selected grading object the second way to edit criteria attribute values is to actually go into the settings

this method will apply the attribute changes to Future grading objects created with the criteria if the attribute value is locked attribute changes will also be applied to grading objects that currently use the criteria this exercise continues from balancing cut and fill volumes it also uses the grading Dash 3A drawing which contains two grading groups that use the same grading criteria so let’s go about editing the grading criteria go ahead and open up your grading-3a drawing which is located in your tutorials folder now go ahead and click on the modify tab

and then under the design panel go ahead and click grading next select the grading editor now you’ll see within our command prompt it says to select a point in the grading we’re going to go ahead and zoom into this green one right here and inside the diamond go ahead and click

then up Pops our grading editor under the grading method under distance we’re going to change this to five

notice that the grading updates to reflect the change now you’ll make a similar change that will affect all grading groups using the distance at negative six percent grading criteria

now go into your settings tab and then under grading we’ll maximize grading criteria sets and make sure that your ditch criteria set is maximized and select the distance at negative six percent right click and select edit

we get our grading criteria dialog box

and we’re going to move this off to the side so we can see our drawing a little bit better

make sure that you’re on the criteria tab and undergrading Method and distance we’re going to change this from 10 to 20. press enter and then we’re going to lock this criteria this locks the attribute value which will apply to all grading objects that currently use the distance at negative six percent grading criteria leaving this value unlocked applies the value to only grading objects that are created in the future go ahead and click ok now when we zoom out you’ll see how all of these grading objects are both updated in the drawing to account for the new criteria value so that’s how you go about editing the grading criteria in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll use the feature line stepped offset command to generate a simplified footprint from which to grade the drawing you’ll use in this tutorial displays a building PAD as you can see in blue and this building pad is displayed in two vertically arranged viewports in the right viewport the building pad is shown in plan View you’ll design the building pad in the right viewport however the left viewport the building pad is displayed in model view you’ll use this viewport to see the status of the design as you work let’s go ahead and create a stepped offset feature line we start this by opening up our grading-6 drawing which is located in your tutorials folder next within the command line type in offset Gap type

and press enter and make sure that the value is set to 1 which it currently is then press enter the offset Gap type variable controls how potential gaps between segments are treated when closed polylines such as the building pad feature line are offset setting this variable to 1 fills the gaps with filleted Arc segments the radius of each Arc segment is equal to the offset distance go ahead and go to your home tab then to your create design panel select the feature line drop down then select create feature line from Step offset on our command line it’s asking us to specify offset distance go ahead and type in 1.5 as the distance in the right viewport click the blue feature line that represents the building pad click outside of the building pad when prompted to specify the side to offset now our command line is asking us to specify an elevation difference go ahead and type in G for grade then enter negative 1 for the grade press enter

now if we zoom in

you’ll see that the stepped offset feature line is displayed notice that in the left viewport

on the left side of the ramp this curve wasn’t created properly because it’s an independent feature line you can use the feature line editing tools to refine the solution go ahead and go up to the modify tab and then over to the edit geometry panel select this button right here to fill it

our command line is asking us to select an object I’m going to go over to the right viewport click on it and select this outer feature line

now it’s asking us to specify a corner we’re going to specify our radius and we’re going to type in 15.

let’s go ahead and zoom out a bit and you’ll see that when we click each of the sharp corners you’ll see a little preview of our ramp click that corner and then click this corner you’ll see another preview so the fillet is applied to the feature line I’m going to go ahead and press escape to exit out of the command do that a few times now the fillet is applied to the feature line and in the left viewport you’ll see how smooth everything is on both sides it also interpolates the elevations along this curve so that’s how you go about simplifying a building footprint in civil 3D