In this exercise you’ll create a set of sample lines along the alignment the sample lines Define the stations at which the cross sections are cut also the width of the sections to the left and right of the alignment a set of sample lines is stored in a sampled line group for the alignment each sample line group has a unique name and each line within the group also has a unique name so let’s start creating sample lines go ahead and open up your sections Dash sample Dash lines Dash create drawing in your tutorials folder then go ahead and go into your home tab and then into profile and section views next go ahead and select sample lines
now our command line is asking us to select an alignment let’s go ahead and press enter to select from a list and we’re going to select our Center Line go ahead and click ok
now you see that the create sample line group dialog box is displayed now this dialog box defines the characteristics of the sample line group the templates shipped with Autodesk civil 3D contained pre-defined line Styles and line label styles for the sample lines now in the top portion of the create sample line group dialog box specify the following parameters in a sample line Style we’re going to go ahead and leave it on road sample lines and in the sample line label style we’re going to leave it at the default of name and section marks now under the select data sources to sample verify the sample check boxes are selected for all the entries in the table data sources may include surfaces Corridor models and Corridor surfaces each surface and Corridor surface results in a single cross-sectional string using the corridor model as a source includes all of the points links and shapes in the model now we’re going to set the section styles to the following but note you can double click within the style cell in the table to select the section Style let’s start with the existing grade we’re going to select the style here click the drop down and click existing ground press ok and then in Corridor one
we’re going to select all codes and click ok now for the top
we’re going to select finish grade click ok
and then for datum we’re going to select
finish grade click ok and then click ok
now you’ll see that the sample line tools toolbar is displayed and a specify station along Baseline prompt is shown within our command line on the toolbar go ahead and select this drop down this is the sample line creation methods button select the option from Corridor stations this option creates a sample line at each station found in the corridor model now in the create sample lines from Corridor stations dialog box specify the following parameters for the left swath width we’re going to specify 150.
and then for the right we’re going to specify the same
now click ok
now you’ll see that the sample lines are now created and the toolbar is still available for defining additional lines if desired let’s go ahead and close this toolbar so that’s how you go about creating sample lines in civil 3D in this exercise you’ll create a section view for a range of sample lines first you’ll modify some of the settings that apply to section views this exercise continues from creating sample lines let’s start by modifying the group plot Style go ahead and open up your section Dash views Dash create drawing in your tutorials folder in your tool space click on your settings tab then expand the section View and expand the group plot Styles collection select your basic style right click and select edit in the group plot style dialog box click the display tab
under the component display within the print area row change the color to red
click ok
these colors make it easy to identify the extents of the sheet as well as the portion of the sheet that contains the section views you’ll observe these components when you create the section views later in this exercise go ahead and click ok now we’ll specify basic section view parameters go ahead into your home tab then look into your profile and section views panel click the section views drop down and then select create multiple views
now we’re in the create multiple section views wizard on the general page specify the following parameters for the alignment we’re going to keep it on Center Line for the sample line group name we’re going to leave it at slg-1
the station range will be user specified we’re going to leave the start default but we’re going to change the end
to this
lastly we’re going to leave the section view style at its default of Road section go ahead and click next now we’re going to specify a plot style and a layout template on the section placement page you specify how the section views are displayed and arranged in the sheets select a template viewport scale and group plot Style under the placement options we’re going to leave it on production now note that the draft option right here create section views in the current drawing only you cannot generate sheets from draft section views under the template for cross-section sheet go ahead and press this button then within this dialog box go ahead and select this and then within your local template folder double click on plan production
then select civil 3D Imperial section and click open
go ahead and select the 40 scale sheet
click ok lastly we’re going to go ahead and leave our group plot Style on basic go ahead and click next
now we’re going to go ahead and specify the section View offsets on the offset range page under offset range we’re going to leave it on automatic notice that the left and right values are set to 150. this is the sample line swath width value that you specified in creating sample lines go ahead and click next
now that we’re on the elevation range page specify the following parameters the elevation range is going to be user specified
and we’re going to change the height to 100.
for Section view height we’re going to follow a section
and that section is going to be EG
these settings specify that all section views will be 100 feet tall and the elevation will follow the existing grade elevation go ahead and click next let’s specify the sampled sections and labels the section display options page specifies the object and label styles for the sampled objects however in this exercise you will suppress the labels now under the EG row click within the label set and then select no labels click ok we’re going to do the same for the top
and for the data
now let’s click next
now we’re going to specify some data band settings under the data band set we’re going to select major station
for surface one
we’re going to choose Corridor top and for Surface 2 we’re going to leave it on datum lastly let’s create and examine the section views go ahead and select create section views our command line is asking us to identify the section view origin we’re going to select a point within this top viewport
you’ll see that groups of section views are arranged into two rectangles you specified the color of these rectangles at the beginning of this exercise when you create section sheets the area between the red and blue rectangles contains the title block border and other information that’s contained in the plan production template you selected you’ll create section sheets in the creating section sheets exercise so that’s how you go about creating section views in civil 3D