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Hey what’s up there ladies and gentlemen we are back with another live stream in this stream we’re going to be going over parcels we’re going to be diving into Parcels this is the next course that uh that I’m going to be working out here a lot of this is going to be really dirty really ugly really uh uh just more or less just trying to figure out ways of being able to show this uh civil 3D content in a clear and concise way with the with the live feed it’s going to be dirty you’re going to be you’re going to be seeing a lot of the the issues that I might run into when going through some of the the functions or like the coursework uh for the uh members that are subscribed to this channel if you would like to skip all of this stuff all of and you would like to go and get the shortcut options for a lot of the different options and functions within civil 3D I highly recommend you become a member uh within this Channel and uh with a lot of my a lot of my coursework videos I go into a lot of this stuff and kind of cut through a lot of the dirty stuff that I’m working out right now so but if you’d like to just see what I’m what I deal with feel free to to join me and feel free to you know leave a comment within the chat or down below within the comments section if you have any issues with that with civil 3D I’ll do my best to try and figure it out for you but uh but yeah I mean this is just a a place to where we can we can kind of come together and try to figure things out because none of us know it all so uh right now I’m in the uh I’m in a Parcels drawing parcel one a uh within some of the uh the coursework if you’re interested in finding out where the exercise files are a lot of these exercise files are in they come with a uh with a stock installation of civil 3D so if you’re to do a little bit of a search within your your help your help files that come pre-installed on your uh installation of civil 3D this is where a lot of the exercise Files come from um with a lot of the coursework that that I deal with for the members I create more or less kind of like a step-by-step exercise file guide to where you can go in to a lot of the the different files as we’re going through a lot of the videos and you can you you get the step-by-step version uh within the coursework so right here I’m in the parcel-1a drawing which is located in the exercise files that come pre-installed on your copy of civil 3D and I’m just going to pull up some notes and first off we’re going to be creating Parcels from excuse me AutoCAD objects we’re going to convert AutoCAD entities to land Parcels if you’ve ever dealt with Parcels that is a civil 3D object uh what’s what’s great about Parcels is once you generate them it’ll automatic it can automatically generate um you know land data such as you know square footage or acreages you know just on the Fly you know you don’t have to compute all this stuff yourself the Civil 3D program will do all that stuff for you which you’ll see very soon

okay first off we’ll go into the Home tab then into the create design panel then go into parcel

we’ll go into create parcel from objects

okay right now the command line is saying uh is asking us to select lines arcs or polylines to convert into Parcels which is very nice let’s see here let me minimize this

we’ll open this up here

okay here’s what we’ll do we’ll select these blue polylines well wait a second here we go let’s try this again parcel create parcel from objects there we go let’s select this this this and this

okay after that press enter then we get our create Parcels dialog box where this gives us some options

okay we’re in site one parcel style we’re going to change this you can assign it different styles we’re going to stick with single family

area labels we’re going to select parcel number and area

we’re going to automatically add the segment labels so make sure that’s checked

and we’re going to erase existing entities

and we’re going to click OK see what happens oh look at that

all this stuff is automatically labeled it’s very very nice and you can click and drag this with these grips how you see fit

you can even click on this and oops you can click on the Square and click and drag that out and this stays attached to the line

if I don’t like that I can wait

I’m going to click this to reset see what I did there click on this we have this little circle icon when I hover over that it says click to reset the label location I’ll click that and that brings it right back to where it was originally I don’t know if you can see the uh the parcel or the lot numbers they’re in blue usually whenever stuff’s in blue within the the coursework I know that it can be kind of difficult to see what if I click on this right click

edit area selection style we’ll go into the style click on this edit button General

Okay C prop text area you see that right there okay So within the general tab within the label we have our layer listed right here it says it’s a c prop text area if I click these three dots this button you’ll see that this is currently on a blue layer what if I were to change this can I change this

well it doesn’t look like I can change it within the okay let’s let’s look up this layer C prop Dash text area I’m going to cancel out of this cancel out of that cancel

bring up my layers

and I’m gonna open this up a little bit

I’ve got all my colors if I want to see all of my blue colors if I click the color and I just scroll down what I did was I I clicked the color um header for the column

go down until I get to what was it

C prop text area I think that’s what it was I select this and select let’s go with green there we go now we can see everything


now we’re going to change the parcel numbering right right now everything here goes from it’s kind of strange one then two then four then three then five it’s all over the place right all over the map let’s change it

we’re going to select okay pick a partial number to select it

we’re going to go from we’re going to rename this from parcel 2 to 101 okay

okay we’ll click this first parcel

we’ll renumber and rename select that starting number we get our renumber and rename Parcels dialog box the starting number is going to be 101 increment value is going to be 1.

then click ok now our command line is saying specify start point or polyline what I’m going to do is I’m going to draw a line that goes through all of these Lots or Parcels so I’m going to start here at 2 see how I can click and go all the way to the end like so I’m I’m not I’m not even going to going to click on the label I’m going to click somewhere inside of my last parcel right here pick the end point press enter to accept that

press enter one more time and there we go

101 102 103 104 105. it’s nice okay 105. if I select this

within the name it says single family which is our style 105.

what if I were to change the style of this to from single family to

try open space we’re converting this to open space see what happened here for the name it’s switched to open space but we’re still on 105. so that’s kind of the power of being able to use a style to be able to swap things out and to also rename your parcel


okay here we go now you you might be wondering how is it that the name automatically changed within this portion right here if I switch it back to single family the name switches back so how is it doing that if I change if I go to my style go then go into create edit then edit my style

you’ll see that within the design tab we have a parcel name template and within the parcel name template you can see that it’s using the parcel style name in the beginning and then it’s using the the parcel number at the end so it’s it’s kind of like a uh uh if I click this button and if I I’m going to cut this stuff out

cut I’m going to add it back in later on but I’m just going to cut it just for Simplicity click ok then apply then okay okay one more time and you see how that changed within the name so if I want to add that back create edit click this edit button I’m going to right click

I guess I can’t select paste if I go into this button for the name template and put in the parcel style name make sure that the cursor is before parcel number then put insert and I’m going to put I’m going to put a space then a colon then a space click OK apply okay okay one more time now remember the name was at 105 when I click OK that’s going to change

to single family so that’s what’s involved there when you’re dealing with styles styles can help you to uh rename your parcel within the name template so that’s what’s controlling that okay next

let’s move on to something else subdividing a parcel with a free form segment let’s get into that and again if you’re not already a a member within uh within this channel a lot of a lot of what I’m dealing with right now is just just what I what I go through when it comes to just trying to condense my videos for my members only content you’re seeing a lot of the the issues that I might run into with civil 3D because not whenever you’re dealing with civil 3D not everything’s perfect so um for the live feeds we’re just getting into just the the the dirty functions of of civil 3D if you would like to have a shortcut through all of that stuff if you don’t want to mess around with with some of the the um the wonky issues that civil 3D might provide um I recommend the the members only content so moving on let’s continue

let’s go into

a different

file here bear with me parcel 1B let’s open this up

and again a lot of the exercise files that I’m dealing with just come from the uh the installed the pre-installed exercise files that come with your copy of civil 3D if you’re ever wondering where I’m pulling this stuff from

all right parcel one excuse me parcel Dash 1B that’s the drawing that we’re in right now

okay parcel parcel creation tools we get our little layout tools tab that pops up here

all right we need to click on excuse me

hey Sam thanks brother I appreciate the compliment yeah I can actually see who’s in my chat well I’m working on this stuff I appreciate your help man am I still sounding okay

parcel layout tools

preform create freeform create there we go sounds good all right

yeah now I’m working on something that I might know a little a little something about I know in the last one with the design criteria some of the stuff it can kind of stump me you know civil 3D can stump me but uh but it’s one of those things to where it’s just you kind of know where where uh the hiccups might be and you try to cut that down when you’re creating like some condensed content because people don’t necessarily want to see all of the things that you might have run into when it comes to coming up with the course content but I appreciate you you sticking around there Sam

the drawing we’re going to accept the defaults right here as Sam says this is a high level skill probably only 10 to 50 percent of society can do it yeah it’s it’s it’s definitely something that uh it takes takes a little while to learn and you know what the vast majority of the people that are dealing with this software they’re still learning new stuff you know

click ok

then I’m going to go from


to this endpoint here and press enter to accept that yes civil engineering you know there there are folks that um there are even civil engineers that are out there that they have trouble learning how to use civil 3D it’s just one of those programs to where you know if if you’re not dealing with it regularly it can be one of those things to where it can be it can be a real frustration Sam says I’ll be popping in and out just want to show your reciprocal support thank you thank you sir I appreciate it all right

okay we’ll exit out of this and so we’ve got our first parcel we have this stuff that just automatically pops up we have this little label that pops up that shows us the square footage and the acreages and again if you want to change the style if this isn’t a single family lot you can change this within the style you can change this to open space and it automatically names it open space so that’s one of the that’s one of the beauties of using Parcels is uh is using those styles to your advantage we have our road that’s already listed in here single family and that’s the single family is encompasses this area right here


what I’m going to do is I’m going to

click this the open space and select delete oops

let’s go into sites that’s where

our Parcels are located select this select

right click

also layout tools

what if I want to delete this

oh I know why

because it’s not within the site

so division a select okay here’s my site parcels

I remember how to delete a parcel

hmm what about just

delete that delete that no don’t want to do that

you can adjust the geometry

that’s okay but that isn’t very ideal

I’ll do that

personal creation tools ah there we go


okay we’ll change this back to single family okay let’s try this again

select this

parcel layout tools

free form

okay see how we get our

line here

into here press enter exit okay bring this back to open space

if I want to delete this and bring this back to the way it was originally excuse me

I want to go into my parcel parcel creation tools and this red X deletes sub entity I’m going to delete this line

exit select this bring it back to single family there we go

there we go

okay let’s try this parcel parcel creation tools

free form okay



I can go perpendicular like so well maybe not

come on civil 3d come on


free form okay

trying to get it to where straight up and down or actually perpendicular to this lot line but I want to use the end point of one of these curves

that’s what I’m trying to do

some creation tools free form create you know what a lot of people one of the questions that I get asked the most in engineering offices is dude do you know how to use like Parcels I mean they’re they’re asking not not because uh they they see maybe my lack of knowledge with it but they ask they’re just curious you know because they don’t ever use it you know and uh with civil 3D some of this stuff is just you know if if it’s difficult for people to learn they’re just not going to use it right so Parcels is still can sometimes be a little bit of a touchy subject for uh for most folks so if you don’t really know it quite yet don’t feel alone because a lot of people are they they struggle with it so

just to let you know

see I mean there’s a way of being able to do it this way but I’m trying to go through

this I can move this over

to here ah there we go okay let’s try this again I’m going to undo this

I’m going to go into parcel parcel creation tools once again go into the free form create we’ll accept the defaults and I’m just going to go straight up and down like this

lot line Direction I’m going to go perpendicular like that exit I’m going to click this I’m gonna go I’m going to go and click and see I I can only go back and forth back and forth like this but I’m still perpendicular to this rear lot line or side Lot line depending on who you’re talking to I want to be able to snap at the end point of this Arc if I type in E and D

endpoint of this Arc right here there we go now it’s doing what I want it to do

next we’ll do the same thing four we’re going to create a lot line right here parcel

parcel creation tools freeform create okay

I’m gonna go perpendicular see where my cursor is at it’s close to that rear lot line that I want to be perpendicular to I don’t want it to be over here if I’m over here then I’m perpendicular to

the cul-de-sac but if I’m over here

I click this

I go to the center of this but it goes the radial I don’t want it to go to the radial nope undo

okay let’s try this again

personal creation tools this oops cancel I hit the wrong button parcel parcel creation tools there we go

just in case you didn’t you didn’t catch that see these little uh two downward facing arrows or the Chevrons or whatever gives you some extra options if you’re not aware of that

free form create okay

there we go okay here’s what I did

I go into Parcels parcel creation tools

click on freeform create click ok then

we’re going to go I’m going to go way out here

click the attachment point then I’m going to just press enter to accept that right now in the command line it says specify lot line Direction enter for perpendicular I’m just going to press enter for perpendicular

press enter to escape the command now you see that we’re perpendicular to this rear lot line if I click anywhere it stays perpendicular to that lot line so if I want to make this a radial within the cul-de-sac I just type in c-e-n for the center point and there you go

see that I had to work through a lot of different things in order to get things to work out properly for me but that’s just the that’s the deal with the with the live feeds it’s going to be dirty but if you’d like to be able to find the shortcut like I just found then feel free to become a member and with the coursework we’ll we’ll focus right in on what you would like to learn

we’ll focus right in on a lot of the shortcuts clear away all the all the trial and error that that I had to go through to in order to figure that out okay so that’s how you do that let’s go into another subdividing a parcel with a slide line okay let’s open up parcel 1C we’ll close out of this we’re just going to do one more folks one more

exercise files civil tutorials um drawings

parcel 1C

there we go read only a lot of the the auto kid the AutoCAD stuff or the Civil 3D tutorial files they’ll be in read only which is kind of nice just because you don’t want to be replacing the uh the Civil tutorials so what you could do is you could just do a save as and just put this on it on your desktop a lot of times whenever I’m slow at work I’ll just go through a lot of these tutorials and just sort of work work out a lot of the coursework that way um because it’s it’s always good to kind of sharpen your skills uh uh let’s minimize that 1C we’ll close out of 1B no

Home tab let’s go to the Home tab create design panel go into parcel

parcel creation tools once again


we’ll click these Chevrons are these arrows whatever you want to call them

and we’re going to specify some parcel sizing we’ll come in here minimum area 7000. press enter for that type in 40.

minimum Frontage yes Frontage offset we’re going to go with 20. and as I’m editing all this stuff you can see this little uh visual representation of what I’m going to be doing so the frontage Offset you can see that it’s going to be 20 feet from that front lot line minimum width type in 40.

minimum depth 50. use maximum depth yes

maximum depth is going to be 200. that’s the maximum depth for our Lots I need a break I need to I’ve been standing this whole time

there we go that’s better how do I look


let’s get through this


oh maximum depth 200 multiple solution preference

we’re going to use the smallest area

automatic mode off Place remainder in the last parcel okay when automatic mode is set to off the remainder just the remainder distribution setting does not affect partial layout this setting will be used in later exercises all right okay create individual Parcels using a slide line


okay we’re still in our we’re still in the same site we’re still using the same parcel Style uh uh

okay we’re gonna leave everything oops

area label Style

okay we should be good here okay now

we’re gonna click the label for single family 101. okay next it’s asking us to select start point on the Frontage

so it’s essentially

I’m going to go from here and you can see as I drag my cursor I get that yellow line I’m going to go from here all the way over to the end point of this so you can see that this is going to be my Frontage

now it’s saying to specify an angle

Frontage angle we’re going to type in 90 degrees press enter

and notion of course no solution found

angle 90.

why is it not doing that for me

okay for whatever reason that’s not working for me

find out why let’s try this again

Slide line create here

ah there we go I don’t know for whatever reason that’s that’s another thing with civil 3D for whatever reason it wasn’t giving me the this option that I was looking for

okay let’s try this again I’m gonna Escape out of this exit parcel I want to show you the way that didn’t work for me again

Slide line create click ok I select single family 101 and I oops select the parcel

and I selected this as the beginning of my Frontage I went all along here to the end and I specify an angle excuse me 90 doesn’t work for me however excuse me if I select this again

and I just pick a random area from here to here specify angle type in 90. there it is now it’s working

okay we’re going to press enter to accept the result

we can accept the result once again oops

okay so what’s what is the frontage

I’ll go from here

45 what is going on here

well 40 is the minimum Frontage so it’s taking the minimum into account

so there is no maximum Frontage minimum Frontage is 40.

let’s try this again

this delete this so it is meeting the requirements the minimum Frontage is 40 and everything here is pretty much over 50. Let’s uh let’s delete some of this stuff out I’m going to just press undo to get rid of what I just did

parcel parcel creation tools

everything is looking good here Slide line

select this once again Frontage here to here specify angle 90

accept the result yes

for the minimum area on the Fly if I change this to eight thousand because before it was originally at seven thousand you see how it just kind of bumped it up a little bit accept the result

well but it worked

so you see how that came about originally oops originally we had set the minimum area to be 7 000 square feet then on the Fly I was able to put in a minimum area of 8 000 square feet for the next parcel so that’s kind of nice

being able to do that on the Fly

and that’s essentially it for this part

okay lastly we’re going to try and create multiple Parcels simultaneously oh this is where we get into the the big boy this is the the deep end of the pool folks okay create multiple Parcels simultaneously

we’re going to go into parcel parcel creation tools

Slide line create

click ok

automatic mode we’re going to turn this to on

Place remainder in the last parcel that’s the remainder distribution whatever’s left

we’re going to click

this label now it’s asking us for the frontage we’re going to go or we’ll go from here to here

specify Frontage angle I’m going to go with 90 degrees once again

and that is not

if I hit no I don’t like that result let’s try this again Slide line parcel select this and have it go all the way

to here 90. there we go

I don’t know sometimes civil 3D can be funny

maybe it was too small of an air too small of a Frontage that I was selecting up up in this region that’s essentially it except the result yes

and the parcels are created so that’s it ladies and gentlemen my eyeballs are pretty well fried I’m pretty well shot as far as civil 3D goes but this is the upcoming content for the members only portion the the coursework that uh that’s going to be a little bit more concise than than the live feeds but if you’re interested in kind of learning how I’m weeding through and trying to figure out some of these items how I’m trying to figure things out with some of this stuff live feeds are probably a good option for you so I’m going to leave this free for uh the rest for all of you folks and hopefully you have a great weekend hopefully you’re you’re practicing your skills just like I’m doing right now and until next time take care folks God bless

hello everybody welcome back to the live stream we’re going to be diving into the wild wild world of parcels once again we’re going to spend some time on Parcels you’re going to see the process involved with uh diving into parcels and we’re just going to look to spend maybe about an hour or so on on a few tutorials just working some some content out with some of these tutorials so you guys will get to see the uh the process behind it uh currently I’ve got a few Parcels parcel exercise files opened up and again a lot of these exercise files you can find them within your installed copy of civil 3D if you’re interested in getting into more of the the condensed shortcuts into that dive into civil 3D I recommend you become a member not just a subscriber but also a member because members get full access to all of my members only content that actually gets into a lot of the edited videos with regards to civil 3D so you’re not having to wait wait around watching me fumble around with with some of this content you’re actually getting to the nitty gritty when it comes to finding out all about this program and within the membership files there’s also some exercise files that also go through the process that I went through in order to solve different problems that I’m going to be dealing with during the live stream so just wanted to show you guys uh the differences between the membership content and the live content but if you guys are willing to stick around for a while feel free to uh to watch me as I go through this content so right now I’m in the parcel-1d drawing and I’m going to pull up

my notes Here

I’m going to pull up my notes and tonight

we’re going to be dealing with subdividing a parcel with a swing line there’s different options that are that are available to you whenever you’re using the parcels command and the parcels command if you go up to your create design panel we have the parcel drop down if you click on that then you can get into a lot of different options and we’re going to be dealing with for right now the parcel creation tools

okay if you remember from the last stream we went over like a lot of different options that you have when you expand this little Chevron these these two little down arrows whatever you want to call them if you click this then you get some extra options when it comes to parcel sizing and we have uh some stuff here with regards to the automatic layout and as you’re creating Parcels you get some extra options when it comes to being able to decide minimum area minimum minimum Frontage so when you’re within the command you don’t have to just accept whatever the minimum area is you can you can change it on the Fly and that’s one of the beauties of parcel layout tools so in this exercise we’re going to be getting into subdividing a parcel with a swing line uh let me see we’re going to be specifying certain parameters

and we’re going to be getting into the automatic layout okay minimum area we’ve got 8 000 square feet which is good minimum Frontage 40 feet that’s good we’ll stick with the minimum Frontage of for the offset that’s good we’ll stick with 20 for this 40 for this 50.

use maximum depth yes we’re going to do that maximum depth it’s going to be 200. a lot of this stuff or is just uh is what we used with the previous exercises as well so this is nothing new right here but a lot of these are just the different options that you have uh use the smallest area that’s good uh automatic mode we’re going to change this you can see a little graphic that pops up for this we’re going to change this to off and then we’re going to place our the remainder in the last parcel so all that stuff’s good so if you’re following along this is what we’re going to be dealing with here hopefully you guys can see the whole screen yep that looks good okay bring those notes back up

okay now we’re going to be creating a parcel using a swing line so the way that you go about doing that is you go up to your toolbar

and then choose this option Swingline excuse me Swingline create

we get our create parcels dialog box here then we’re going to leave we’re going to check out these we’re going to leave all the all the settings at their defaults parcel style is set to single family which is good which is what we want

okay we’re going to create we’re going to say okay to this then we’re going to get into in the drawing we’re going to select the area label largest parcel right here which is this one right in the corner okay now within our command line it says select start point on Frontage now if you remember the last time we were dealing with this sort of situation when I was picking certain certain edges of my Frontage I was getting different results so we’ll see tonight whether or not I’m going to be dealing with the same thing what I’m going to do is I’m going to start oops

I want to start


don’t want that let’s start this all over again see here we go we got hiccups right here folks that’s what happens

personal creation tools Swingline create click ok select the label and I’m going to select I want to type in nearest Nea I’m old school guys I don’t know if you guys know this or not but I’m going to select I’m going to go from here to here we’ll see what kind of result I get when I just pick this area all right next specify swing point

swing point

I’m going to select the North northeast corner right here okay that looks a little strange look look where it’s pulling it from you see it’s saying accept the result I’m not sure about this because

you see where I started my Frontage I started right here and it’s pointing me to that that point but it’s also giving me I believe it’s giving me a Minimum Frontage right here probably a 40. so it is I I’m not sure if it’s necessarily given me the result that I want if

What If instead excuse me I go into parcel parcel creation tools I go through the whole process all over again Swingline create click ok select this and what if I went from here

all the way to here

now it’s asking me to specify a swing point if I click the north east corner still give me that result hmm

well what if I tried this

I’m going to turn off

my snap I’m going to select right here no that does nothing it does nothing when I click in the front what if I click over here no don’t want that what about over here still nothing no

hmm it’s not giving me the desired result

hmm got to solve some problems here click the north east corner of the parcel to specify the swing point

well that’s what I’m selecting isn’t that the northeast corner right there

well let’s see what happens when I accept the result let’s I’ll go with yes


what if I exit out of this

no this is Goofy this isn’t this isn’t the result that I want I’m going to press undo undo okay let’s try this again parcel parcel creation tools

funny thing is is that I’ve done I’ve done this stuff before but it’s been a while it’s been I think probably over a year since I’ve done this swing line tutorial for uh for parcels that’s why when you’re not doing things all the time on a regular basis it’s always good to kind of refresh yourself with different commands of civil 3D and it’s it’s one of those things to where it’s just like it you need to be refreshed on on certain items you need to jog your memory let’s try this again select the starting point on the Frontage

let’s go from here

to here

specify the swing point

still strange

no no ah look at that you see that when I hit no let’s try this again you see where where this green cursor is depending upon where you click over here is going to be the swing line okay that’s where the swing line is going to be if I click over here what’s the result no I don’t like that result what about here no I don’t like that what about here nope don’t like that what about here nope what about here I kind of like that result

that’s a good result if I select yes then exit can exit out of the command and then after that what if I wanted to just click and drag this to here what will this do no I don’t want I don’t like that result

however I do like this result a lot more

hmm decisions decisions

bring to front Okay I’m going to do a regen all hmm what should we do here but do you see the different results that I get when I whenever I click different points on the north north east corner of my property I get different results depending up depending upon which area I click on the line let’s try it again I’m going to undo undo all this

let’s go into parcel again parcel creation tools oops wrong one

swing line create let’s try this again

what if I went from here

to here okay specify swing point what if I select here no solution found oops

let’s try this again

there we go also I’m noticing that depending upon where my cursor is on this side of the line I can pick this side

or it starts to get a little weird if I move my cursor over here if I come down there we go

I don’t want to go that far I’ll go to here you see depending upon where I put my cursor over here I get even more Frontage but what if I don’t want that I just wanted to be to about right here specify swing point what about here no I don’t like that here nope here no what about right here no


I like this result

if I select Point what will that do

it looks like that’ll move on to the next see how it’s subdivided the parcel it moves on to the next parcel in order to be able to subdivide that so I could select maybe I don’t know maybe right here yeah

no I don’t like that about here nope


I’m just gonna Escape out of the command exit a lot of different results as you can see what if

what happens if I do this

undo that what if I want to put in a line from the center of my cul-de-sac all the way over

to this corner this is just a construction line if I select this I come over

hmm well we’ll get into editing the swing line we’ll see we’ll see what we can do with that


but I would like

I would like to have the line go from here kind of as a radial for my cul-de-sac to about right here I don’t know if you guys know this but technically when you’re when you’re creating Lots if I strike a line from here to the center of the cul-de-sac this line would now be considered a radial because it’s it’s if you extend this to the center of this cul-de-sac that’s more or less the radius or the radial of this line if I go from if I TR if I strike a line from the center of the cul-de-sac and go to maybe right here

this line is still considered a radial because it extends to the center of my cul-de-sac so this is just extra knowledge for you hopefully that helps you

but yeah whenever people are whenever lots are being laid out you want to try to avoid this kind of situation where you know Maybe my kids hanging up here bear with me if I delete this line and if I go from the radial of the cul-de-sac and I go to about like right here surveyors really get annoyed with this

if I go to about right here and I’ve got this just a little smidge of distance here I’ll show you the distance

I mean it’s about two feet but still I mean if if a surveyor is out there in there and they’re putting in pins to lay out your property to lay out the um uh the Lots within a subdivision and they’re having to put you know a stake or a pin or something like that right next to each other uh you know the contractor or or whoever is is on the site can get confused I mean that that happens quite a bit actually to where you know people are are putting in stakes and then later on it’s like oh wait a minute that’s that’s not my property line This is my property line over here well it’s already it’s already put in you know I mean it’s it’s something that’s uh it’s a goof so you want to try to avoid that you want to try to avoid just small distances and you know in between lots and sometimes that can happen just when people are trying to maintain a certain minimum square footage for a lot and you know it might slip your mind that well you know throughout the process of of trying to maintain a certain square footage I ended up you know getting into this type of situation and that’s that’s what’s what’s great about having another pair of eyes just to kind of look at your your lot layout somebody can see that oh yeah you know you you missed you know this this portion right here to where yeah we don’t want this kind of situation we want to be able to kind of clean up are lot lines so let’s just hopefully this helps um okay what else

to tell you the truth I’m not getting the situation that I really want with my swing line

but I’m going to press on we’re going to move forward here

let’s see what kind of result I’m getting 1171

I mean it’s maintaining this situation is still maintaining my 8 000 square feet which is what I want

parcel properties yeah I don’t want to do that just yet

don’t want to do that

parcel layout tools that’s what I want

oops didn’t want to do that that was an accident yeah I mean we’re still maintaining that minimum area which is eight thousand

minimum Frontage we’re maintaining that


okay let’s let’s try something here I’m going to escape out of this what if oops Professor creation tools I go into Swingline edit click OK here

select the attach lot line to adjust let’s try this one select the parcel to adjust we’ll adjust this one

starting point in the for the frontage go from here oops there we go the distance selected is less than the minimum Frontage of 40 feet okay

can I go from here

to here

what happens when I select this no no solution

starting point of the frontage go from here

to here specify the swing line what if I went to here well it gives me a result I don’t know if it’s the result that I want no what about to here

that ain’t bad

that’s closer

accept the result let’s go with yes

there we go good old CAD there we go that’s what’s wonderful about civil 3D sometimes folks is that especially when you’re when you’re under the gun and you’re trying to knock something out you know within uh okay we need that we need this thing done within the next the next 10 minutes things like this tends to have tend to happen so uh uh okay we’ll go ahead and uh click ok

say yes then we get our error report I never sent send in the error reports I don’t worry about that yes close let’s try this again come on AutoCAD civil 3D let’s go let’s make this happen

there ain’t nothing better to than when when you’re when you’re making kind of like uh uh like really clean tutorial videos and you have everything done everything’s all set and you feel like you’ve got just a Flawless tutorial and then things like this happen very very annoying okay let’s go into my backup files let’s see what I got I’ve got three different backups more or less I’ve got the drawing

which shows me that this is last saved at 10 roughly around 10 30. I don’t know if I want that back in 2020 don’t want to deal with that what about this one July 10th at 8 10. well what what time is it right now 8 17 okay what about this recovery file oh this this looks like a little bit more recent let’s go with the recover

we’ll go ahead and recover this I think it goes through an audit

the drawing file was recovered we’ve got two errors two errors were fixed select close and my swing Line’s gone how about that that’s the other thing about civil 3D is that with some of these civil 3D option objects you can run into issues even though you’d like to be able to use all of the objects within civil 3D sometimes the program just can’t handle it like I like I said before originally with the the interface civil 3D is built upon uh AutoCAD tools so you’ve got your AutoCAD tools and then you have your civil 3D tools that are built on top of that and I think that sometimes there might be a little bit of conflicts sometimes when when you’re trying to get a result especially when you have just this huge file that you’re dealing with especially with surfaces I’m sure that there’s a lot of people out there whenever you’re dealing with surfaces you know you’re you’re trying to to grade uh something uh you know the best that you can and then you know for whatever reason certain tools aren’t working for you and then civil 3D will will blow you out of the program so it can be annoying I know you know it happens to me a lot it happens to a lot of co-workers uh that I I deal with so um so you’re not alone in that so look at this look at what’s going on here we’ve got our recovered file and it’s just what is CAD thinking what is civil 3D thinking here well what if we bring up another recovery file

what about this one this looks a little bit better

I think I like this one better I’m going to close out this one

select no and what I’m going to do is just to be on the safe side I’m going to type in audit

just to audit the file fix any errors that are detected y for yes

and then it looks like total errors in my command line total error is found zero fixed zero erase zero objects okay I think I’m going to go with this file so I’m just going to go up to my Big C and I’m going to say save as and I’m going to replace


hit save replace it yes there’s another way of being able to recover files too you can go into C and then drawing utilities then we’ve got you see the audit that’s what I just ran on this drawing um we open the the drawing recovery manager there’s recover repair damage drawing file so a lot of different options here but let’s continue with our parcels

hopefully it doesn’t crash again on us

okay let’s try this I want a parcel parcel creation tools

everything looks good to me right here we’ll go into Swingline edit click ok

I want to select this parcel once again oops I’m sorry I need to it’s asking me to select and attach lot line to adjust I want to adjust this one select a parcel to adjust let’s adjust this parcel starting point for the frontage I wonder if that’s what’s goofing it up because I’m selecting this parcel maybe it’s maybe Civil 3D is getting confu confused so

I’ll go from here

roughly about to there specify swing point can I select this corner

see it’s giving me three different results here except the result yes I bet you it’s going to crash on me we’ll see

that’s giving me a goofy result

what is going on here I think it’s because it’s I’m confusing it with this corner

I’m going to undo this

let’s try this again parcel parcel creation tools

swing line edit let’s go over here again select the line select the parcel to adjust

starting point for the frontage I’m going to go backwards

and then specify Swingline Point let’s go maybe over here

accept the result let’s give it a shot oh there you go did something

so I mean it the parcel tools they could be handy but it’s not a perfect science there’s I’m sure that there’s a lot of people that are out there that are way better at this than I than I am but quite honestly most of the time I tend to use just plain old you know AutoCAD Tools in order in order to lay out my lots and whatnot because sometimes when you’re when you’re in a time crunch and you’re trying to get the right result that you want um sometimes it’s just best just to kind of do it manually you know uh by manually I mean okay I’m going to draw I wanna I want a a radial to go from this corner

to the center of this cul-de-sac and that’s my lot line boom I’m done however I’m I can miss out on some of the automatic labeling and things like that so well what if what if I like this and I want to select this I want to edit the geometry can I edit this can I go from here to here

no it won’t allow me to I want to be able to edit this

edit geometry won’t let me do that huh

I bet the super super experts the hobbyist for of civil 3D I bet I bet you they’re screaming at me right now come on do it this way it’s right here sorry I’m learning just a lot right along with all of the other guys so yeah it’s one of those things to where it’s just trying to figure things out Sam how you doing man thanks for thanks for popping in thank you sir I appreciate it do it your way isn’t that not a Whopper commercial do it your way have it have it your way have it your way okay

all right we have this point but it’s not giving me the option to be able to line this up with the center line of this cul-de-sac oh well let’s move on to the next tutorial we’ll try we’ll try something else Sam says yoga pants are Mana from Heaven yes sir yes sir

okay working with alignments and parcels we’re going to get into uh what do we have here we’ve got parcel 1e let’s print out parcel one e we’ll say no to this go into C open drawing 1e open okay here we go

all right we’ve got five different roads on this one we’re roughly at about a half hour right now I think we’re probably going to go for about an hour just to kind of knock out just a few tutorials just to problem solve that’s what we’re doing right here there Sammy We’re problem solving we’re trying to figure out how does this civil 3D work effectively Sam says have you done have you done work have you done worked on a on a property survey for people when they buy a lot um I have uh with with um with Realtors uh with commercial developers uh a lot of times whenever people are looking to buy a lot they’re usually looking to see how they can subdivide a lot which kind of goes down the vein of what the parcel tools are all about within civil 3D you know within civil 3D you know you can you can lay out property that way with um you know when people are looking to buy a lot for sure um however again if you want to knock something out quickly I just use just straight up AutoCAD you know basic line Tools in order to lay things out and then afterwards one of the nice things about Parcels too is that for example if I go off to the side and I create a rectangle if if I have somebody a realtor that has a client that’s looking to buy a piece of property and we’re just going to go with just a basic rectangle for right now just to make things easy and then I I put in say a polyline for my road

I go from I don’t know maybe from here to here and I offset for a 50 foot right away oops yeah I’m a little big with with this piece of property a little big a little big let’s adjust this we’ll come down a little bit just to make things just a little bit more realistic I’ll come from here to here then go from here to here if I want to I can start laying out my property I’m going to go 50 feet wide

yeah that’s way too big

I’m gonna go 200.

just for my lot depth

200 on the other side oops what’s that 200 feet over here then I just go to town I just go with 50 feet wide

did I pick 500

set 50.

did I just put in five for my right away from here to here yeah I just put in five that’s the problem that’s the problem

I go from make my right away

which is 50 feet

I’m gonna move this down just a bit and offset 200. for my depth on both sides I’m going to trim off my lot line

then I go I don’t know 50 feet

like so

so I have my piece of property I know this is very awkward right now this is just on the Fly I’m going to trim off all this other stuff I’m going to even trim off the lot lines type in F

for fence that trims all that stuff off and what I what I’m going to do is if I go into my parcel tools parcel creation tools

oops parcel uh create parcel from objects

see what happens when I do this click ok and there you go I know that’s kind of a long winded explanation but that’s how you can automatically get your square footage you know by by converting your regular AutoCAD lines or polylines into Parcels as opposed to you know I guess design and designing and laying out Parcels which is what we’ve been trying which is what I’ve been attempting to do but sorry Sam it’s a little bit long-winded I I apologize for that that could be a good side hustle work with a realtor and give them a civil 3D drawing of of the lot yep been there done that I’ve done that uh in the past especially one of the things that uh a lot of designers deal with is whenever you’re working for a company let’s just say you’re working for a rather large civil engineering firm you run into a lot of conflict of interest I know that there’s a lot of designers out there that that look to have you know some side hustles some you know they like to be able to deal with Realtors you know within their area however like I’ve had it in the past to where there’s been uh uh I’ve talked to companies that have said that yeah you got to be careful with that because there’s conflict of interest because any time that you’re dealing with um you know a realtor within within the area that could be a conflict of interest with the company that that maybe that you’re employed with so that I’ve I’ve run into that in the past you know I’ve gotten the firm no you can’t do any any side work or you can’t do any sort of Moonlighting you know if you’re working if you’re working full time for a main company and they’re taking care of your your insurance and things like that however there are times to where people don’t don’t bother with that and they’re willing to take the chance so I don’t know sometimes it can be a small world you know when it comes to you know the the world of of civil engineering and design I that’s one of the reasons why I do training is because it’s not a conflict of interest with you know my my main job so uh Sam says I could understand that that conflict of of Interest point it makes sense yeah I mean if you if you really if you really want to uh work all the time you know get involved with dealing with uh with Realtors and and different developers and I mean if if you’re really quick at being able to knock out concept plans it can be gr it can be a great side business but you run the risk of that conflict of interest because if you if your employer finds out they might not be too thrilled with it I’ve I’ve had um uh other uh co-workers that they’ve been able to work out some some kind of a deal with uh with the employer to where yeah you can go in you can maybe you can deal with this realtor maybe you you already had an existing relationship with with this realtor or this developer and they won’t be dealing with with uh with anything with uh with regards to our company maybe you’re dealing with somebody out of state you know what if what if you’re dealing with a civil engineer that’s uh that’s maybe like a small small business that only deals with a particular State maybe you can do a side hustle to where you can you know maybe do concept plans or or um you know clean up surveys or something like that for maybe you know a company out in California somewhere you know maybe maybe you might be able to uh swing that but you know it might it might be a good idea if you care about your job if you care about your main job just to find out from them hey you know this is what I’m thinking you know are you okay with me Moonlighting you know but uh but to be honest with you a lot of times you know they’re they’re not too thrilled with it so because they pay your insurance right right Sam they pay your insurance they give you PTO they give you a lot of other benefits uh Sam says like construction side work many times not worth it yeah I mean you also want to have a life too you know I mean you you know a lot of us you know we tend to work you know eight to ten hours every every day and you know sometimes you know you make enough money to where it’s like it doesn’t justify having a side business because a lot of us think that well I’m I’m efficient at being able to knock out I’m using concept planning again a lot of us are efficient with knocking out concept plans very very quickly but when the realtor gets accustomed to you knocking things out quickly and maybe you run into a situation with your main job to where you’re not able to knock things out as quickly because you’re so drained from your your main job then the realtor it could sour the relationship with a realtor because it’s like well you’ve been able to knock out things quickly for me before there there’s an expectation that gets developed when you become extremely efficient I don’t know maybe maybe you can work work that out a lot of times too you’re dealing with uh Realtors who maybe have the expectation that that they’ll that they can get a concept plan turned around from you within a day but then you’re also dealing with changes from the client what if what if the uh the client you know for the for the realtor maybe the buyer they’re constantly making changes to your layout well what if we try it what if we move this this uh this lot line this way or what if we move the lot line maybe just uh maybe 50 feet over here maybe we can squeeze out an extra lot well if you’re working all day long and maybe you get that that notification you know on your email you know are are you willing to risk you know your your employer seeing you working on your side hustle or your side business or even even if you are able to get to it right after work you’re tired maybe some of us have families and some of us have have kids or like I said maybe you have a life you know outside of working eight to ten hours on your main job which is why again that’s the reason why I got involved with training developing courses using my knowledge as I see fit at at certain times you’ll notice that my my live streaming schedule or my tutorial schedule isn’t always consistent well I have a life outside of this so I try to keep some sort some kind of balance it’s always good to have a little bit of balance within life and I don’t know it just seems like uh there are times to where if you do if you do your best at your main gig later on there it seems like there’s there’s you know uh doors that open up to where you don’t have to just struggle all the time but it’s it’s that’s a good point there Sam I appreciate you bringing that uh that part into it you know because a lot of us within the construction industry you know we we’d like to be able to make extra money we’d like to be able to you know make you know do well with the side hustle especially when the side hustle is yours when you have a business that’s yours you know you you feel good about that you feel it it gives you it gives you a good sense of self-esteem to know that you’re you’re the best at what you do you know you’re not just a clock puncher you’re a person that goes for excellence to try and achieve more and more income so uh let me see here

well I mean this this kind of gets into this might

well we actually kind of got into a separate aspect of parcels I really like being able to turn just again regular lot lines I like being able to turn regular lot lines into uh parcels Marcos hey what’s going on how you doing sir glad you popped by good to see you have you dealt with Parcels that much have you uh run into to the issues that uh they can come about when you’re trying to edit Parcels I know a lot of people have issues with it and I always get the question asked too like especially during interviews they’ll always ask me do you know anything about Parcels do you know how to use the the parcels command sure I know the basics of it but a lot of times if if you’re in a pinch at least for me I have issues with it um another aspect of parcels that that can be helpful too is that you can use parcel lines once you’ve developed these uh you can turn these are more or less like feature lines so you can go about grading uh these parcel lines in the future so that’s one of one of the nice things about using this uh this feature uh if you remember from previous live streams if you select one of the labels and select the style I could change this to open space and it changes the style like so if I select another one I can select another Style single family something different what about this one I can select another Style property it’s more or less the same as before I’m going to click on or type in undo I want to select a different label Style

this will be number only

what about this one hopefully you guys can see the blue I know that sometimes people run into issues with being able to see the line work while it’s blue how about we change the color let’s let’s change the color of this the property line right click on this no that’s not what I want

yeah this is in the style

let’s change all of these to single family just so we can see everything

no you have to select the label itself

single family now we can see it

single family

I know that uh that side work has has been brought up within this live stream as far as like uh what if what if you’re dealing with civil engineering and you want to and you know a lot about um architectural drafting or architectural design you know you there are some civil engineers that don’t do any architecture work at all maybe you can do some side work where it’s just architectural related that could be an option however I I have been told in the past where uh when it comes to liability liability is a is an issue with a lot of large firms you know they don’t want to be liable for you know if if you make a mistake with your side hustle they don’t want to be held liable um so I’ve I’ve heard that brought up that’s been brought up to me before in the past uh I’m gonna match you see how I did this I’m going to undo this I’m going to match the properties type in m a I’m going to match the properties of the single family style with the open space that changes the open space to single family

and if I want to click and drag this stuff out I get a nice little leader

which is helpful we’re kind of get getting away from uh from some of this uh instructional content but I think that this stuff probably helps people

and if if you don’t like the way that that looks you can always select this right click reset label or you can do it this way that you can hover over this no it doesn’t give me that option I’ll just reset the label

here I’ve got a parcel segment what if I click and drag this over here is that possible yeah that’s possible but it’s not doesn’t look like it’s possible if it’s like a swing line remember when we were dealing with with the Swingline property line that’s one thing that I couldn’t really edit very well

so this that’s why I was saying like before it makes things a little bit easier when you’re laying things out to just use just straight up you know polylines or or lines just to kind of just be able to lay things out quickly and not have to mess with you know is this solution the one that I want or is that solution it can be helpful if you’re trying to achieve a particular square footage if you’re looking to try and maintain a certain square footage for your property that’s when I think that you know using that Swingline option can be could be helpful you know because you’re kind of wondering okay how do I achieve a 40-foot Frontage with you know a minimum square footage of of you know 8 000 square feet so I think I think that that might be the reason for uh uh the using the parcels as a design tool but overall most of the time uh Realtors or Developers they they don’t they don’t care about that at that point they’re just looking to get as many Lots as they possibly can at one time um and in order to knock out a quick concept plan this has been the best option for me uh

what about right here here’s my right-of-way I can change the style of that to local Road

I don’t like that blue

can I change that blue from standard create edit I’m going to edit this style I’m going to move this over here display

see right now parcel segments right now it’s on the Zero layer I click this and make this I don’t know let’s go with a orange okay okay there we go makes things a little bit easier to see right

so yeah I think that we’re coming up on an hour of just messing around with Parcels trying to get the most out of the program as we can hopefully a lot of the the items that were brought up within the chat hopefully that helps you uh within your career um but what I would really suggest that you do as a designer if if you’re if you’re just out of college maybe you’re you’re an engineer in training and maybe some of some of your education in college wasn’t within civil 3D and you’re having to learn it now within your within your job what I would recommend is that just focus on just learning AutoCAD learn AutoCAD the best that you can get really quick with AutoCAD you know the line tool the circle tool Arc tool you know poly edit all all that good stuff really good get good at the the basic fundamentals of AutoCAD and then later on you can kind of dive in a little bit more into some of the Civil 3D tools because as you as you get further and further into your career you’re going to be around other co-workers and colleagues that are going to be able to show you uh the different aspects of civil 3D such as creating a surface or or creating alignments and things like that but I know that when I first started out within civil engineering a lot of what I did was just we we didn’t even have civil 3D or land land desktop when I started uh civil engineering I started Civil Engineering just right out of high school I didn’t really go to a whole lot I didn’t take any engineering courses um I was just designing plot plans and when I was designing plot plans I wasn’t dealing with any of the Civil 3D stuff none of the Civil 3D stuff so it was just a matter of just polylines lines labels things like that and once I got really really fast with that then I was able to add different aspects of you know land desktop which was in early kind of like an earlier version of civil 3D and then you add in the components of civil 3D such as you know creating surfaces and getting volumes of your you know comparison surfaces between your existing grade surface and your proposed grade surface so it’s just a lot with civil engineering it’s just a lot of information that you’re dealing with I know that there’s a lot of engineers in training that they’re dealing with the pressures of uh you know taking taking their engineering tests or exams you know they’re dealing with trying to get their seal they’re dealing with trying to uh trying to learn the program of civil 3D the best that they can you’re dealing with a lot of different components when it comes to civil engineering and you like to be able to have a life outside of civil engineering right we all want to we all want to be able to achieve balance within our life well what I would recommend is that if you’re if you’re new to this don’t pressure yourself too much just focus on the fundamentals AutoCAD getting good at concept plans getting good at at pla plans getting good at just maybe exhibits you know exhibits are kind of like a basic uh drawing that you can knock out you know get good at knocking out red lines quickly you know if you’re able to knock things out quickly you know you’re able to develop your speed to the to the point to where everything becomes unconscious that’s the level that you’re looking to achieve to where everything just it’s just automatic right so we’re roughly coming in in about an hour right now uh we’re gonna wind things down I appreciate you guys hanging out with me just to go over just some of the I know you you guys have probably worked all day long and now you’re learning different aspects of civil 3D hopefully this stuff helps you and hopefully this gives you a little insight into what it’s like being a designer like me so you’re dealing with you know your CAD crashing and things like that and it’s just like man it’s just that’s enough for today folks um until next time take care God bless and

hello there ladies and gentlemen we are back with a brand new live stream for civil 3D 2023 is what I’m in right now but uh the same applies to 2024 as well but we’re going to be getting into parcels once again particularly with um we’re going to be diving into alignments and parcels and we’re going to be looking at how they behave with each other let me do some house cleaning real quick here

make sure I can see my chat window that’s always a good thing to do

all right my eyeballs are very very tired right now but we’re going to shoot for about an hour or so we’re going to shoot for about an hour or so on on some of these items within civil 3D within the the parcels objects when you’re looking at a computer screen all day long at a civil engineering firm I don’t know about you but my eyeballs are fried [Laughter] but we’re doing it we’re doing this anyways we’re getting into it we’re diving into civil 3D more and more we’re getting more and more accustomed two all of the different tools that that it offers and like I’ve said on previous streams none of us know just everything about the program the program is this program is so robust that as soon as you become an expert in one area then after a while you start to lose a little bit in another area so you need to kind of brush up and refresh yourself with different different areas of of civil engineering that because there’s so many different areas to cover within civil engineering that sometimes you know you can kind of overwhelm yourself but for right now we’re just going to focus on this residential area and we’re going to take a look at working with alignments and Parcels okay in this exercise we’re going to create an alignment outside of this outside of a site and move existing alignments out of sights did I say that right we’re going to be creating an alignment outside of a site and move existing alignments out of sights these practices eliminate unwanted Parcels being created by alignments interacting with the sites so the alignment you know can can is going to be interacting with uh with different sites here and when an alignment is in a site it creates new parcels I’m going to repeat that whenever you add an alignment to a site it’ll divide it into separate parcels

it creates new Parcels if it forms closed areas by crossing over itself or other alignments so if you haven’t if you have a a piece of property like a square piece of property then it will if you have an alignment that goes through then it will create its own Parcels let’s well we’re going to be diving into this anyways folks enough talking let’s do it okay right now I’m in the parcel 1e drawing which is in the exercise files folder if you’re a member of the Civil 3D or excuse me the Civil 3D Dot tv YouTube channel I have a link for the exercise files that you can download and it has all of the exercise files listed in in order of our videos so that’s one of the the perks of become of being a member but we’ve got this this parcel 1e this drawing contains five roads got a ton of Roads let’s let’s check let’s take a look at the the tool space here we’ve got alignments if we open this up I’m not seeing any alignments in here active drawing window what’s going on what’s this that’s an alignment

What if I do a refresh

maybe it’s in the sites

ah there we go that’s a little bit different that isn’t something that I’m necessarily used to having alignments being within a site normally I’m used to having alignments within this area

I don’t know if you have the same experience or not but this area right here is where I typically see alignments in Center Line alignments usually probably about 80 percent of the time and then maybe you know 10 to 20 percent of the time we might have something in miscellaneous alignments but it’s a little bit different seeing alignments Within the site

okay we’ve got alignment number one if we select that right click hit select okay that’s alignment one

what about the site what’s our actual site if we select site one right click select okay this blue line is site one

what about the others what are what is this stuff this is just a regular property line okay

but it’s not a site this stuff is not a site however this stuff is a site

right here hopefully you guys can see it I know blue is kind of a difficult color to be able to see on on a live stream but we’re gonna go with it

how is this thing closed

usually sites are closed

oh well anyways we’ll keep on moving forward here alignment two which one is that select that’s alignment two alignment three we’ll select that that’s alignment three and Alignment four

we’ll select that okay

gets me used to my alignments let me check uh some of the settings here okay

all right

the tool space and the prospector we’ve got site one alignments Center Line alignments that’s good notice that we have four existing Center Line alignments that all reside in in site one while the top level alignments collection above the sites collection is empty which is what we went through here previously okay we’re going to create an alignment outside of a site

we’re going to create an alignment outside of a site let’s scroll down here we’re going to go to the Home tab then to the create design panel

we’re going to go to the alignment drop down

then we’re going to create alignment from objects

all right now we’re being prompted to select the first line Arc or polyline or xref you can even choose xrefs we’re going to choose this red line off to the side here let me just make sure that that’s the one

that’s the one yep wait a second no select the red center line for the road in the lower middle of the drawing is it this one

the lower middle we’ve got several here

and we’re going to go ahead and do it we’re going to roll we’re going to go with this one

and press enter

we’re going to press enter again to you see this little arrow that shows up this is the direction of your alignment basically the stationing is going to begin from from this point here and then work its way out that way or if you want to reverse the direction obviously you can have it to where it starts here and then ends over here but we’re going to accept the direction

now if you notice in the create alignment from objects dialog box excuse me

under site it’s specified as none which means that we don’t have the alignment will not be associated with the site if we keep it on none however we do have the option of site one if we wanted to put it within this grouping


we’re going to go ahead and click ok to accept the defaults

there we go

now notice that the alignment this new alignment is placed up here

as opposed to down here within the site

okay now in the next few steps we’re going to move one of the two existing cul-de-sac Road alignments out of its existing site and into the top level alignment section so we’re going to move one of these up into here so we’re going to be taking it out of the site

we’ll start with uh okay move alignments out of a site alignment four we’re going to select this

we’re going to select the alignment I’m here just curious to see which one it is this one

now I believe we can right click

move to site we can go about it that way or we can go about it this way by right clicking move to site

we hit our move to site dialog box destination site it looks like it’s already set to none looks like that’s the only option that we have for a destination site then we’re going to click ok

and there we go see how alignment four moved to the top level alignments section it’s no longer within a site

so it will no longer be affected by Parcels or anything like that or it will no longer affect parcels

hahaha as long as an alignment is not within the site itself the part the parcels that make up that are within the site Within a site right here it won’t it won’t affect it

okay and that’s essentially it for this portion where we uh we’re about we’re almost to 15 minutes here okay let’s move on to the next one we’re going to go to editing parcel data I believe

yeah let’s see what we got here

editing parcel data let’s go ahead and move on to that and my contacts are really dry

okay I’m just gonna briefly do a a small read right here editing parcel data this tutorial demonstrates two ways of resizing a parcel by moving a lot line the tools that you use to edit a partial outline depends on whether the lot line is attached an attached lot line is a parcel segment that was created with the slide angle slide Direction and Swingline precise sizing tools on the parcel layout tools toolbar which is if you were um if you were a part of the previous live stream for parcels you know we were able to get kind of like the um the the slide which one were we doing the sliding lot line but the swing uh parcel line I don’t know it gave me some goofy results it isn’t always uh the easiest thing to use uh let’s see you can use a slight angle slightly okay we went through that in this tutorial you’ll learn how to use two precise editing tools the slide angle and the Swingline editing tool and I think we I touched on that briefly within the last live stream I believe kind of got into that just a little bit

okay if a lot line is created either from a civil 3D object or a fixed line and curve tool on the parcel layout tools toolbar it is not attached you can use grips and feature line editing tools to change the geometry of these lot lines all right exercise one sliding sliding a parcel lot line

okay we’re going to open up

parcel 2A 2A now I’m taking these exercise files from the installation these exercise files are actually within your civil 3D installation so you have to do a little bit of digging in order to find out where they are but they are within your current installation of a civil 3D I believe it’s in within the the help files

parcel 2A

oops I think I took a wrong turn

there we go drawings

parcel 2 a there it is

it’s in re only you can see here’s here’s the path in order to get to it

hopefully that’s the the path that you uh installed civil 3D on but yeah it’s pretty buried but this is the path click yes

and I’m just going to save this to my desktop for right now

just uh save


in this exercise you’ll resize a parcel by sliding an attached lot line along the parcel Frontage we’re going to specify parcel creation settings here

all right

Home tab then create design panel we’ll go into parcel

then parcel creation tools we get our dialog box and if this section isn’t showing up for you again you want to click this Arrow to open and close

okay we’re going to specify the following parameters as you specify each parameter notice that the preview graphic there’s going to be a preview graphic that’s going to show up as we’re there we go as we’re going through all of this and it’s kind of showing you what it’s affecting

what all these settings are affecting

okay parcel sizing

we’re going to go with um

okay we’re going to leave it at 8 000 square feet man I can barely read that

okay minimum Frontage 40 feet

use minimum Frontage at offset we’re going to leave that on yes

Frontage offset we’re going to go with 20.

minimum width 40.

I’m going to leave that at 50. everything else is pretty much at its defaults automatic mode we want to leave that off and place remainder in the last parcel okay that’s good we’ll see what this does we’re going to slide a parcel lot line okay we’re going to go up here no we’re going to go up here Slide line edit we’re going to click that we get our create Parcels layout dialog box again this right here is the site we only have one site that’s named subdivision a and that encompasses all of our parcels

okay we’re going to click ok

now our command line is asking us to select attach lot line to adjust


the drawing click the lot line that’s between parcel 108 and 109 okay where’s 108 and 109.

108 and 109 right here

this line okay select a parcel to adjust

we’re gonna hover over 109 click that

and specify the parcel Frontage we’re going to go from here

all the way down to


specify angle

we’re going to enter in 90 degrees

okay that’s that’s how it’s going to look that’s the preview of how it’s going to look that’s the solution that it came up with

and if we’re okay with that just hit yes and press enter oops I’m going to escape out of this exit and you can see wait a minute let’s bring up the parcel there we go now you can see that our minimum area is met on both of these parcels

our minimum area is met

and let’s throw on some Dimensions here

no it won’t let me do that let’s throw on some dimensions

see what we got

yeah that doesn’t really help us


I won’t let me do it well perpendicular is this anyways so uh uh parcel creation tools let’s see okay we got the 8000. minimum Frontage it’s 40. we’ve got 66 over 66.

Frontage offset don’t have to worry about that too much minimum width 40 feet okay we’ve got that met minimum depth is 50 feet we’ve got 120 over here I believe

and then 95 over here so that’s good

maximum depth is 200. yep and we meet that that’s essentially it

that’s it that’s it for that one

all right let’s move on to the next

swinging one end of a parcel lot line

personal 2B that’s what we need to open up



okay nice little read right here swinging one end of a parcel lot line and in this exercise you’ll resize a parcel by swinging an attached lot line from a specific reference point uh um in the Home tab

go to the create design panel go into parcel

parcel creation tools

okay everything here automatic layout

everything looks good here except for

this use shortest shortest Frontage you can see what’s going on with the graphic everything else we’re going to keep at its defaults

minimum area where we got to change that to 8 000.

okay here we go click this Swingline edit

we’re going to click ok

now our command line is asking us to select to select attach lot line to adjust between 104 and 105 so this one right here we’ll select this

then hover over 104.

then we’re going to select the starting point for our Frontage I’m going to go from here

instead of selecting that I’m going to go oh yeah to about right here

I’m going to turn off oh snap

and I’m going to select

roughly right about here

that looks good

looks good to me

except the result yes

and that’s it

I’m gonna Escape out of this exit and it’s nice now we’re at uh 8 000 square feet which is what we wanted what about the frontage

or kind of like the width of the lot oops

62. that’s fine

but from here to here 107

you know I could always throw some labels onto my parcel onto my parcel lot lines rather than dimensioning it this way I don’t know if you remember how to do that from previous exercises but if we delete all this

I’m going to go up to annotate click the add labels drop down parcel

add parcel labels

I’m going to go with multiple segment

click add and just select this I’m going to go I can go clockwise or counterclockwise with my bearings I go clockwise and that’s it

even gives you the direction and arrow tells you to go around this way clockwise very nice

alrighty we are moving through this stuff aren’t we tell you what I’m going to take a little break we’re roughly at about 30 minutes I’m gonna go for 30 more minutes I’m going to take a little break get some water and I’ll be right back

all right and we are back everybody Aquafina anybody

Aquafina all right we’re gonna go for another half hour on this

if you have any questions feel free to uh to ask them in the chat I’ll do my best to answer them I’m not I’m by far not uh the utmost expert at civil 3D but it is my occupation

I am I’m a designer by trade

all right

okay the next one is next tutorial is going to be editing partial lot line geometry

okay here’s a little read in this exercise you’ll use the feature line editing tools to modify partial lot line geometry you’ll use two different methods to change the geometry of the two large Parcels at the end of a cul-de-sac let’s let’s open up the exercise files real quick here I know it’s I think it’s using pretty much the same exercise files uh let’s open up let’s close this down

2C yes

2C we’re going to save this to desktop just to make things easy

close down a window

okay you’ll use two different methods to change the geometry of the two large Parcels at the end of the cul-de-sac I believe we’re referencing these two right here and then first you’ll learn about the grips that are available on lot lines you’ll use lot line grips with feature line tools to change the geometry of the parcel second you’ll join two separate lot lines and then remove a point of intersection from the combined lot line

okay let’s begin we’re going to select this lot line back here actually before I do that Watch What Happens right now I’m I’m in the annotate tab if I select this back lot line we get the parcel segment contextual menu you’ll see that we have this edit geometry portion we want to click that

we’re going to be editing the geometry a lot of this stuff looks very similar to a feature line feature line uses a lot of this this stuff as well as edit elevation so I mean parcel parcel line is more or less it’s kind of like a feature line

we’re going to insert a pi actually if I hover over this you see this nice little tool tip that shows up it says right here inserts a new vertex on a feature line survey figure parcel line uh polyline or 3D polyline points of intersection break that’s what pi stands for point of intersection break the existing horizontal geometry of a feature line you can use this command to convert a split Point into a geometry point for editing all right that makes sense right that makes total sense okay see what’s going on after I click that I’ve got a brand new point of intersection I want to choose I’m going to type in int for intersection I’m going to choose this intersection of these lot lines right here then it’s asking us to specify an elevation see what I mean like this is just like a feature line if you don’t know what a feature line is there are tutorials available within my video library a lot tons of free tutorials on the YouTube channel and if you want to kind of break away from if you want actual uh course related content uh that or that’s shown in an organized way feel free to become a member uh but but there’s tons of free videos on the YouTube channel to check out for feature lines


okay point of intersection we’re gonna ex we’re gonna press enter to accept the default elevation

and then we’re going to press Escape twice to exit out of the command and that’s that’s basically it that’s it for that for that portion

now you can see the back line now has a point of intersection or a pi at the point where the parcels meet with a pi in this location you can edit the lot line on one of the parcels without affecting the other

okay I think we’re going to be getting into that here

I’m going to select we’re going to grip edit a parcelot line in the drawing we’re going to go to the lot line that separates Parcel 104 and 105. right over here

notice that we have a grip this is a swing line

segment I believe

okay this grip is available on attached lot lines which are created with the slide angle slide Direction and Swingline precise sizing tools available in the parcel layout tools toolbar which is what we’ve we’ve been going over in the previous uh tutorials here you can use this grip to slide the lot line along the lot line in which it’s attached so we’ll go ahead and do that

see this

it’ll it’ll only move like this I can’t I can’t move it anywhere else except to slide it along this lot line and we can get a lot of different results here like that and it won’t go any further than that I’m going to undo this

I believe that’s essentially where we’re at previously yep okay I’m gonna regen all

now notice the grips at the end of the lot line these grips are available on lot lines that were created either from civil 3D objects or fixed line and curve tools available in the parcel layout tools toolbar you can use these grips to change the endpoint location of a of a lot line so

we’re going to click and drag this over to here over to this end point see what happens oh it broke it that’s not what I want to do I’m going to undo this

oh I think I just broke it folks

yeah when I try to undo it pushes that [ __ ] well wait a minute okay now it works but I can’t put it in the original position that’s the that’s sort of the goofy thing about uh

about parcels sometimes it can be unpredictable

yeah I mean even if I undo all the way to the end it still leaves this parcel line outside of the site so that’s kind of goofy what I’m going to do is I’m going to close out of parcel 2C I’m going to hit no I’m going to open this once again

okay this this is the saved copy on my desktop I’m going to select this what happens if I move it this way to this line oh wait a minute I need to add that Pi again insert pi

like so accept the elevation and then Escape there we go what happens if I move this over here to this endpoint it’ll go Goofy that’s not what I want I’m going to undo this regen all okay we’re good instead I’m going to select both of these lot lines and then move the grip over to here

uh oh that’s not what I want

you know if I undo this it’ll still that that Slide line that slide lot line so it gives me these Goofy see it’s even creating a separate parcel from it I want to undo this let’s reopen parcel to C again

okay let’s add that Pi in again

okay exit out of that

let’s move this already here we’ve got an unnecessary lot line right here

it even says that in the tutorial notice that the area of parcel 105 has changed however there is now an unnecessary lot line remaining to the north of the parcel you can delete the unnecessary portion of that lot line in the following steps we’re going to be trimming that lot line

parcel segment tab

okay we’re in that parcel segment tab edit geometry panel we’ve got that then there’s a little trim button right here click that The Cutting Edge

Cutting Edge is going to be the back edge of lot 105. press enter then we’re going to trim that and press enter one more time there we go

exit out of the command or Escape out of the command

and there you have it next we’re going to get into breaking a parcel lot line a lot of this stuff is just like again it’s just like dealing with feature lines pretty much and even with polylines I mean polylines still have to be trimmed and whatnot break a parcelot line we’re going to click parcel segment tab


we’re going to select this Backlot line that’s shared between 106 and 107. edit geometry is selected

then we’re going to break yeah right here click that button

now it’s asking us to select an object to break we’re going to break this rear lot line

okay the first point type in F for first point

we’re going to snap

to the intersection I’m going to type in int

and the second break point

if I just press enter there we go so I didn’t even have to specify a second break point

okay now we’re going to join these two these two lot lines again

there’s a join button hit that then hit this again press enter press enter one more time oops and that’s it

we can delete this point of intersection

by going to delete pi and select that

what if I don’t want to do that regen all I just hit undo by the way

if I select uh

what happens if I delete this pi

then I would eventually trim off

that if I wanted to undo this

regen all

well I think you probably get the gist

okay and that’s essentially it folks

I’m gonna undo all of this Regional

and we’re going to leave it at that


lastly what I’d like to do as I I’m wrapping up this session uh this live stream session what I would like to direct your attention to is

civil 3D dot TV if you go to civil 3D Dot TV you can essentially sign up for civil 3D updates if you put in your name email address every month I kick out just a bunch of free information free tutorials that you can go through part of them might might end up being some of these live feed sessions seems like uh people like the the live feed sessions a little bit more for whatever reason that I guess they’re they’re more compelled to uh to staying on longer but um but if you’re interested in uh in learning more feel free to go to if you need to find out or search on a particular topic click on this magnifying glass and then type in say surfaces

press enter and then there’s all kinds of posts for surfaces or regarding surfaces so it’s kind of like a nice way of being able to pull up information rather quickly you know if you need to learn something about uh I don’t know feature lines type in feature lines

press enter then we’ve got some information on feature lines so it’s just a new feature that’s been put on onto the site I know it’s not not a huge deal but who knows if you can’t remember certain aspects of civil 3D you know just type it in you know with that magnifying glass and then off you go on the site you can also get into different techniques such as site design you know grading design things of that nature some of the stuff is members only information so you do have to sign up to become a member if you just want to test out this information if you want to test out a lot of the the members only content go ahead and start a free trial this will give you a three-day trial

showcasing all of the information all of the the members only tutorials and you have three days to go through there’s some people that go through all you know just a ton of content within three days within that three-day trial period And if you can do that more power to you go for it

um what else if you want to learn more about civil 3D kind of like prior versions of civil 3D 2020 through 2022 basically the whole course the entire course is about 10 hours I think it’s about 10 hours worth of content probably about 10 hours worth of content that’s down here from navigating the interface to adding and managing points you can just cycle through all of these different subjects and again it’s just a lot of information the only thing that you’re going to be dealing with though is that if you click on one of these articles

scroll down and then if you play this information in this exercise you’re going to be dealing with ads there’s going to be there’s ads Within These videos and this video is roughly about an hour long but it does it goes into pipe networks for civil 3D 2020 through 2022 um but uh but yeah it’s just there’s going to be ads within this portion uh within this free session and you can get to the free sessions by clicking on this up at the top by clicking on 2020 to 2022 close out of the ad and then uh yeah this is all the course content for civil 3D 2020 through 2022 and what I’ve been doing is just a lot of this stuff I’m I’m working through creating brand new content for 2023 through 2024 and eventually I think 2025 or as civil 3D continues to be released I’m going to be releasing brand new members only content so um and you’ll have access to it for you know about a month or so

if you go into free tutorials I give you some free tutorials before it becomes members only content so you have a you have the opportunity of being able to see the members only content just before probably about a there’s a month grace period that that I’ll give before it becomes members only content so just to let you know that’s what’s going on here but again I appreciate you guys hanging out for tonight as we dive as we dove into parcels um in later live streams I might get into um repeating some of the some of the tutorials that I just did but um just to kind of you know get accustomed to to certain aspects of parcels because Parcels sometimes Parcels can be very very difficult to learn you know it can be unpredictable and again whenever I’ve used Parcels in the in the past especially for a large site sometimes it’ll crash on you you know and uh that’s what that’s when it becomes a pain in the butt but a lot of times what I would suggest uh as far as the use of parcels it it’s great to be able to put Parcels within its own base drawing within its own base drawing like for example if I shut this down this would essentially be its own base drawing now you’ll notice that there aren’t really any other civil 3D objects within the drawing itself there might be some alignments you know if you’re dealing with alignments you know when it comes to creating the parcels but other than that it’s very clean drawing it’s just it’s just Parcels that’s it what’s great about setting this up as a base file is that you can xref it into any of your construction drawings you know so it could save on space and who knows it may it could save on uh you know your drawings crashing you know when you’re dealing with with the sheets themselves um they’re I think they’re less likely to to crash on you so um so that yeah I’ll just leave it at that we’re roughly in about an hour or so take care folks feel free to peruse a lot of my content you know all the stuff you know the vast majority of this stuff is free uh peruse all the free content that that you want um and I would highly encourage you to become a member and just check check out the uh the three-day trial on my members only content so until next time take care folks God bless and peace