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In this exercise, you will create a new grading style and slope pattern.

This exercise continues from Creating Grading Criteria.

Create a new grading style

This exercise uses Grading-1.dwg with the modifications you made in the previous exercise.

  1. In Toolspace, on the Settings tab, right-click the Grading Styles collection. Click New.
  2. In the Grading Style dialog box, click the Information tab. Enter Ditch into the name field. Optionally, enter a description for the style.
  3. Click the Display tab and change the color of the Daylight Line to red by clicking its entry in the Color column.
    The Select Color dialog box is displayed, where you can select a color. Select red, then click OK.
  4. Click the Slope Patterns tab.
  5. Select the Slope Pattern check box. Select the Basic style.
  6. Click the style drop down list and click Copy Current Selection.
  7. In the Slope Pattern Style dialog box, on the Information tab, change the name to Ditch Slope.
  8. On the Layout tab, in the Component field, select Component 2.
    The parameter table displays values for Component 2, which is the second slope pattern component from the left side. In this case, it is a long line with a tapered line symbol along the top of the slope.
  9. In the Slope Line Symbol section, change the Symbol Type to None.
    Further exploration: For Component 1, in the Slope Line section, change Percent Of Length to a higher value. You can see the results in the Preview pane.
  10. Click OK. The new Ditch Slope pattern is selected for the Ditch grading style.
  11. To view summary information about the style, click the Summary tab.
  12. Click OK.
    In Toolspace, on the Settings tab, the Ditch grading style is added to the Grading Styles collection. The Ditch Slope pattern is added to the General >> Multipurpose Styles >> Slope Pattern Styles collection.

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