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Errors: Civil 3D Produces “Unhandled Exception e0434352 (e0434352h) at address 5d209d98h” Error

By July 10, 2019No Comments


When opening drawing Civil 3D produces “Unhandled Exception e0434352 (e0434352h) at address 5d209d98h” error and then shuts down. This happen when working in drawings too.


Corrupted drawing.


Start with recovery using RECOVERALL and then continue with following commands RECOVER, -PURGE (Regapps), PURGE (All), AUDIT, SAVE on all files starting with child drawing working your way toward parent drawing. If the issue happens again continue with this with main drawings:

  1. Open your drawing and type WBLOCK in command line
  2. Select Entire drawing and location where you would like this Block to be placed (desktop)
  3. Start a new Civil 3D drawing from acad.dwt of other template (you may have a template with preloaded styles, settings)
  4. In Settings tab, assign coordinate system, units and scale identically as from your original drawing
  5. * Optional: Run IMPORTSTYLESANDSETTINGS command to import all your styles and settings from your original drawing
  6. Then Insert (Explode upon Insertion) the WBLOCKED file you created in step 2
  7. To get your layout tabs you right-click on layout tab in the drawing and used “from Template” option to import DWT or DWG file. Choose your DWG file. – This will insert layout tabs into your drawing
  8. Run AUDIT, -PURGE, PURGE and save the drawing